Writing 365 Stories in My First Year Helped Me Gain 4,700 Followers

I am celebrating my first anniversary on this writing platform with all my friends, readers, followers, and subscribers.

Rui Alves


Person celebrating a milestone goal on top of a mountain to depict my first anniversary achievements on this platform.
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

A year ago today, I made my debut on this writing platform designed for creators, readers, and every restless soul out there on cyberspace.

Some will argue that I enrolled five years too late, thus missing the train to stardom. Nevertheless, from my perspective, writing takes place beyond spacetime, and it’s never too late to write.

Hence, I was set on paving my unique path on this platform and strived to connect with readers and fellow creators worldwide.

Initially, I had no idea about the inner works of this community, hence for my installment piece, I stayed close to my comfort zone.

To this day, that first piece remains one of my most successful entries on this platform. However, I have deviated from my previous writing models and established a more personal approach, sharing stories that better resonate with a global community of readers.

Thus, my initial advice to writers just starting their journey is the following:

  • Write not about what you like or feel comfortable about;



Rui Alves

Language teacher, linguist, coach, published author, editor, and international nonfiction book awards judge. Digital ronin, musician, and alchemist of sound.