How Email Marketing gives a big boost to your business?

Amrita Mishra
Zenithec Techware
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2019

Save your time and money, build a relationship with your customers and get a good brand name? Is it possible with a single service? Yes, and it is called Email Marketing.

Wikipedia defines Email Marketing as:

The act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email.

A few of the questions I had in mind when I got introduced to Email Marketing were-

  1. We have Social Media these days, why would someone even want to go for Emails?

My opinion: The truth is that Social Media is so much clogged up with content that most people scroll down without even giving a second look. Whereas, when you send them an email, there are 50% more chances that they’ll open it up and see what you’ve got for them.

2. I don’t have enough budget for email marketing.

My opinion: Email marketing is one of the cheapest with one of the highest ROI (about 4,300%, according to some sources). It is a paperless mode to reach out to the customers. Like residential address is to a physical or postal mail, an inbox is to an email.

3. Won’t it be awkward if I included the name of my customer in the email?

My opinion: Not at all. Adding a personal touch to your mail always helps to connect you with your customers.

4. What should I mail my customers about?

My opinion: You should provide them with value in your mail. That’s the only way to get loyal customers and sorry! there’s no shortcut there. Sure you could “buy” some email lists but they fail in most cases.
There are several ways to provide value. You could give them a free e-book or a video in exchange for a place in their Inbox. Make sure you don’t bombard them with promotional messages. After all, no one likes a spam mail.

5. How often should I mail my customers?

My opinion: According to the Direct Marketing Association’s National Client Email report, most marketers (35 per cent) send two to three emails a month. Nine per cent of marketers send six to eight emails a month, and 19 per cent send just one email a month.

6. Why use an email marketing tool? I can write-up my emails and communicate with my customers.

The content will be yours for sure. But there are several advantages of using an email marketing tool for your business. Not only they provide some great templates (and they can be customized too!) to help beginners with their emails, but they also help in managing and automating the email lists.
One can also help in analyzing the success of the email marketing strategy being used. They provide us with necessary data like which email address (or customer) has opened the email and spent how much time in it. We can define conversion goals and check the conversion rate.

I hereby conclude by sharing with you this amazing blog by HubSpot to help you with Email Marketing:

I hope it was useful. Please drop your queries in the comments below. I would be really happy to help in any way.
Until next time!



Amrita Mishra
Zenithec Techware

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