What is automated marketing reporting?

Vaidehi Mishra
Zenithec Techware
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2020

Wikipedia defines marketing automation as “software platforms and technologies designed for marketing departments and organizations to more effectively market on multiple channels online and automate repetitive tasks.” These channels include email, social media, websites, blog posts(*wink*), web searches, etc.

image courtesy: vippng.com

Marketing automation is more of a tool than a strategy used when your customer has passed the awareness stage, i.e., when you already have a lead and when your customer has entered any further stage of the marketing funnel. As stated in the definition, it uses various channels to find out where the lead stands in the marketing funnel and generates corresponding marketing collateral to increase the prospective customer’s interest. Automation reduces friction and makes it easier to manage every marketing task, from primary email sends to complex campaign management and data analysis. It’s working can be summarized in 3 points:

· Collecting data:

Marketing automation software collects data from various platforms such as WordPress, Facebook, Alexa, Instagram, etc. The software can connect and report the datasets. Appropriate data storage and organization are essential for proper analysis.

Marketing automation can also be used in the loyalty stage of the marketing funnel, and it can also use customer converts as a data point. The data must be up-to-date because it is used to segment and target the right audience. More than that, it also helps determine where your customer stands in the marketing funnel and create relevant and personalized collateral.

· Customer Journey:

Marketing automation is essential because it helps you enhance the customer journey. Functional marketing automation takes into account your leads’ evolving needs and the behaviors and interactions they have with you across all of your marketing channels. It can run A/B tests, measure click-through rates (CTRs), timings, avenues, etc. to evaluate parts of your marketing campaign work best, and require some tweaks.

Instead of sending unsolicited emails, social media ads, etc. to customers, marketing automation software allows you to create the right content that automatically triggers an action based on schedules and customer behavior.

· Reporting:

Automated marketing reports which provide a summary of how efficient your software is. It uses customer touchpoints, CTR, email opens, email clicks, customer converts, and other available data to determine the ROI, lead score, and campaign performance analytics.

Clarity is an essential aspect of automated marketing reports because what is the point if the time saved using such software is spent deciphering complicated information?

Good automation software should provide you with the option of customizing your report. Whether it is adding your logo or simply adding some text, customization helps you enhance your report’s quality and clarity.

Marketing automation is closely tied to lead management. It can help you expand your view of customers beyond CRM into web analytics and e-commerce data. Marketing automation enables you to manage multi-functional marketing campaigns automatically.

I hope this helped!



Vaidehi Mishra
Zenithec Techware

MBA | Engineer | Writer | Singer | Mandala artist | basically an amateur who loves to learn and explore :)