Zenith + Quest = A fully immersive VR world in your backpack

Andy Ramen
Zenith MMO
2 min readMay 23, 2019


We’re excited about the Oculus Quest. We’ve had it for a long time and believe that it, and headsets like it, represent the future of virtual reality. The great thing about the Quest is that it’s not only a better user experience, it’s also cheaper and more accessible.

That’s why Zenith is going to officially support running on the Oculus Quest.

I remember how magical it was to play Breath of the Wild on my Nintendo Switch. It was a portable portal into a gorgeous world that I could spend hours getting lost in, anywhere. With the Quest, the potential is even greater. Having Zenith on the Quest means holding an entire world with thousands of players to adventure with in your backpack.

There are a ton of amazing titles coming out on the Quest, but it will take time for many games to tap into the true potential of the platform, and standalone VR devices at a whole. To reach a mainstream audience the Quest must include both quick, intense games like Beat Saber and Superhot, as well as deep and immersive worlds to explore like the one we’re creating for Zenith.

There are, of course, tradeoffs to the Quest. The most obvious one is graphics fidelity — games that run on the Quest will not have as much horsepower as a desktop PC. However, we know we can still make a game that looks gorgeous and gives you just as much immersion.

We look forward to sharing more in game screenshots running on the Quest in the days to come.

