How to Have a Good Day at Work

5 tips for creating your own happiness and improving your day, every day

Dinnie Muslihat
4 min readDec 11, 2019


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

“Choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

Being happy at work is important.

The average worker spends about 13 years of their life at work. So, really, it’s fair to want to enjoy your time there.

And while for many people who, for whatever reason, are not necessarily doing a job they love, there are still ways you can create your own happiness.

The importance of happiness at work

Creating a happy and healthy work environment is key for upholding employee wellbeing. But that’s not the only thing, there’s also economic value to be gained as well.

A study by Warwick University in 2014 found that employees who were happy in their jobs were 12% more productive. Dr Eugenio Proto, one of the research leaders, advised “we have shown that happier subjects are more productive, the same pattern appears in four different experiments. This research will provide some guidance for management in all kinds of organizations, they should strive to make their workplaces emotionally healthy for their workforce.”

Happy employees will not only work harder, but they are also less likely to leave. Workers who are satisfied and feel valued are more committed to the company. Which is what you want, as unsatisfied employees can get costly. It’s reported that unhappy employees in the US cost between $450 and $550 billion in wasted productivity.

But how can we ensure we have good days at work?

According to Caroline Webb, economist, former McKinsey consultant, and author of How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life, the power is in our hands.

In her book, Webb illustrates how, when it comes to structuring our days at work, we have more control than we think. That we hold the power to make sure that every day we experience, is a good day.

Webb uses research and real-life examples to discuss how developing habits and establishing routines can help with the anticipation of being confronted with challenges. This can then increase the chances of having better experiences.

5 tips on how to have a good day at work

Taking inspiration from How to Have a Good Day, as well as other sources, here are some habits you can develop to help you with having a good day:

1. Prepare your things the night before

A productive start to the day begins the night before. Having the things you need for the day ahead, such as your breakfast, lunch, or gym bag, ready can save you from stress and disarray in the morning. You could even enjoy a few extra minutes of shut eye.

2. Spend your commute time wisely

We live in an era where you can get a podcast on just about any topic you can think of. Spending your commute time learning about a favorite topic can really put a pep in your step. Of course, you could also go old school and read a book on your way to work.

Meet a presidential candidate maybe?

3. Develop good relationships

On average, you see your colleagues more than your friends and family. Which is why it’s important that you develop good relationships with them. You don’t have to be best buds, but you should at least find some common ground as it can help build trust and enhance collaboration. The nature of your relationships have a big influence on your mood.

4. Connect your personal goals with work goals

There’s a reason why you wake up and drag yourself to work every day. Whether it’s to fulfill a childhood dream, develop skills and experience, or to simply pay bills to keep a roof over your head, reminding yourself why you’re at work can help uplift your mood whenever you’re feeling a little down.

5. Take breaks

There’s a reason why you’re assigned breaks at work. Taking breaks is crucial for your health and wellbeing. It gives your mind and body a chance to relax and revitalize after a few hours of hard work. It can also help you to stay focused. If you keep working without a break, your mind will eventually tire out, which could increase the chances of suffering from decision fatigue or even a burn out.

While your job shouldn’t be the only source of happiness in your life, it does play a huge part. How you structure your day can have a great influence in your overall mood and productivity, so it’s worth knowing a few tips on how you can best optimize it.

If you’re doing a job you love and find that that’s enough to keep you happy, then that’s amazing. However, for those who aren’t as fortunate, keep in mind that you still wield the power of having good days every day.

What are your tips for having a good day at work?


Dinnie and the Zenkit Team

