How to Work from Home Productively

Tips on overcoming the challenges you face when working in the comfort of your own space

Dinnie Muslihat
4 min readMar 10, 2020


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Considering current outbreak concerns, working from home is becoming a reality for a lot of office workers. Already a norm in many tech companies, those who are new to the concept will find that they may need to make some adjustments in order to stay productive. This article will teach you how.

Challenges faced when working from home

Working from home has its perks. You get to work in the comfort of your own space and there’s no boss peering over your shoulder and watching your every move. However, these benefits can also be the detriments.

Having worked from home a few times during my career (actually writing this while working from home!), I’ve found that the biggest challenges I’ve had to face are separating my personal life from my professional one, and overcoming distractions.

When you work from home, there are distractions galore! From Netflix, to your cosy bed, to untouched housework or a full fridge. Additionally, the fact that your physical surroundings don’t change can blur the lines between “work mode” and “home mode”. When do you stop working? How many coffee breaks is too many?

The following are tips that I have found to be effective in keeping me productive when I work from home. Hopefully, it can do the same for you, too!

7 tips for working effectively from home

1. Assign a work station

If you’re lucky enough to have a study/office room in your house, then figuring out where to work from is kind of a no-brainer. However, for those not so fortunate, it’s important to ensure that you have a dedicated space to work from in your home.

It can be anything from the kitchen table, to a makeshift desk, to the couch in your living room. The important thing is to make sure that it’s distinguished from your personal space so you know that when you’re in it, it’s time to work and not relax.

2. Dress to impress

While you don’t have to wear a full-on suit-and-tie get up while working from your kitchen table, it does help to wear clothes that you would wear if you were going into the office. What you wear can have an impact on your performance, so wearing pajamas, though tempting, may not be the best idea.

3. Stick to your regular schedule

Following your regular work routine is also advisable when working from home. Routines create structure and a structured day can keep you focused on your tasks and help you overcome distraction. It can also help with separating your personal life from your professional life, as you’ll know when you can switch off at the end of the working day and be in “home mode”.

4. Communicate consistently

When you’re used to working in an office, surrounded by the same group of people every day, working from home can feel a little isolating. Make sure you check in with your colleagues from time to time, and that you’re available on all your work communication channels in case someone needs to reach you.

5. Move your body

Taking breaks is as important when working from home as it is when you’re in the office. Office workers are more prone to leading sedentary lifestyles, so taking a break from the computer screen and getting up from your desk from time to time is crucial to keeping active.

6. Take advantage of technology

With scores of online tools that cover real-time messaging and conference calls, task management, time tracking, and customer management, today’s technology is what makes working from home possible for many people.

If you fancy going the extra mile, you can also use personal productivity tools to keep yourself organized (like Zenkit!).

7. Avoid household duties

Stopping yourself from doing housework may be one of the biggest challenges you’ll face (at least, that’s true for me!). An overflowing laundry basket or a sink full of dishes may tempt you, but you should avoid starting on them until your work is done and you’re in “home mode”. Doing housework when you’re in “work mode” will put an end to your focus and productivity, and blur the distinction between your two “lives”.

Working from home can be a great joy — you get to skip the commute, have a home-cooked meal for lunch, and you don’t have to use a shared restroom. But with freedom comes responsibility.

In order to be truly effective you have to have guidelines in place. To keep productive and to produce the same results as you would if you were in the office, it’s important to know how to overcome distractions and distinguish between your personal and professional lives.

What keeps you productive when working from home?


Dinnie and the Zenkit Team

