Announcing the Zenlink Community Airdrop Program

Zenlink Foundation Ltd.
6 min readNov 5, 2021

Zenlink has officially launched on Moonriver and Bifrost, and today we are pleased to announce a community airdrop program to express our appreciation for Zenlink’s early supporters. The community airdrop program will distribute 502,110 ZLK, and it consists of several parts, below we will detail who will be eligible for the ZLK airdrop.

Zenlink Early Event Participant (total 19,253 ZLK)

Over the past year, Zenlink has hosted many community events, including the AMA giveaway, Cooperation giveaway, Community Idea Contest, Community Carnival, etc. If you were one of the participants, then you were awarded a certain number of ZLK tokens according to the rules announced at the time.

You can check whether you are on the list of winners of the corresponding activities here:

The rules of the rewards for the above activities have all been announced prior to the start of the event, so all rewards will be awarded in accordance with the rules.

Zenlink beta test participants (total 196,855 ZLK)

Zenlink beta test participants are divided into two parts: Zenlink 1st public test participants and Zenlink 2nd beta test participants.

Zenlink 1st public test participants (total 158,855 ZLK)

Another eligible airdrop is for participants of the Zenlink 1st public test. Previously, we have announced the rules of rewards before launching the 1st public test, according to which Top Winners and Bug Bounty winners will receive Zenlink NFT ( Explorer Edition ) or a certain number of ZLK tokens respectively.

The answer to how many ZLK tokens the Zenlink NFT ( Explorer Edition ) will be airdropped is available today, the Zenlink NFT ( Explorer Edition ) holder will receive 200 ZLK tokens airdropped. We have previously obtained the binding between your Substrate address and your EVM address by verifying the signature process, so you don’t have to do anything but wait for the airdrop to be sent to your address.

In the meantime, as an expression of our appreciation to early testers, we still have a broader airdrop program. All addresses that have participated in DEX interactions (Request testcoins from faucet, Swap, Add/Remove liquidity) in the 1st public test will receive a share of 115,595 ZLK based on the percentage of points earned (14,149 addresses are eligible, excluding those that have received Zenlink NFT).

Zenlink 2nd beta test participants (total 38,000 ZLK)

Similarly, participants of the Zenlink 2nd beta test will also receive an airdrop of ZLK tokens. Since the 2nd beta test is a non-public test, only addresses that are on the whitelist will receive the airdrop. We will airdrop 1 Zenlink NFT ( Explorer Edition) for all addresses on the whitelist, which covers the airdrop entitlement of 200 ZLK (190 addresses in total are eligible).

Zenlink SlotVault participants (total 267,216 ZLK)

As a participant deeply involved in the development of Polkadot ecosystem, we have been following the development of major milestones such as PLO and built Zenlink SlotVault. SlotVault is a decentralized PLO support application built by Zenlink, which is designed to provide support for Zenlink partners to bid for parachain slots. Users who participate in PLO through SlotVault will receive dual token incentives from parachain projects and Zenlink.

Since the launch of Zenlink SlotVault, it has been widely supported by the community and has provided strong support for our partners, such as Calamari, Altair, Kintsugi BTC, etc. Therefore, all community users who vote for the above three projects through Zenlink SlotVault will get a certain number of ZLK tokens airdropped in accordance with the rules.

Since Zenlink SlotVault offers different rewards for each parachain partner, according to the rules, we will provide additional ZLK incentives to Calamari, Altair, and Kintsugi BTC as follows:

  • Calamari Network:150,000 ZLK
  • Altair:74,928 ZLK
  • Kintsugi BTC:42,278 ZLK

You can connect your wallet in Zenlink SlotVault to see how many ZLK tokens you will receive. Only addresses that contribute to the parachain crowdloan through Zenlink SlotVault will receive the ZLK token airdrop.

Note: 50% of the ZLK airdrop in this section will be sent immediately after the Zenlink DEX DApp is launched, and the remaining 50% will be unlocked and sent after you achieve a trading volume ≥ 1000 USD or liquidity injection ≥ 5000 USD in the first month of the Zenlink DEX DApp launch, which will be sent after one month from the Zenlink DEX DApp launch date.

Zenlink NFT (Guardian Edition) Holders (total 18,786 ZLK)

At the same time, we also have some airdrops reserved for our community contributors, who are also future Zenlink NFT (Guardian Edition) holders, whose main roles in the Zenlink ecology are members of the ZenlinkDAO Initial Governance Committee and Zenlink Guardians / Community Ambassadors, whose incentives will be evaluated and rewarded by the Zenlink Foundation based on their contributions.

It should be noted that this portion of the reward is not the final reward for members of the ZenlinkDAO initial Governance Committee and Zenlink Guardian / Community Ambassadors, but only for the airdrop rights attached to Zenlink NFT (Guardian Edition).

For all the above rewards, users can go to the “ZLK” interface in Zenlink DEX after the launch of Zenlink DEX DApp and click “search your airdrops” in the upper right corner to see if you meet the criteria and how many ZLK tokens you will receive. The rewards are still being sent out and are expected to be paid out on November 6, 2021, at which time users can follow the process described above to check for airdrops.


Q: Which chain does the ZLK airdrop or reward I am about to receive belong to? What do I need to prepare to get it?

A: All the ZLK airdrops or rewards mentioned above belong to the ZLK issued on the Bifrost parachain. You need to install Polkadot.js and import a qualified account (if you have completed this step, you can skip it directly) to receive the airdrop.

Q: How to check if I am eligible for the airdrop and the amount of ZLK I can get?

A: For all the ZLK airdrops or rewards mentioned above, users can go to the “ZLK” interface in Zenlink DEX after Zenlink DEX DApp is launched and click “search your airdrop” in the upper right corner to enter the Substrate address to see if you meet the criteria and how many ZLK tokens you will get.

It should be noted that when we collected user addresses before, we collected addresses in various formats, including Polkadot Relay Chain / Kusama Relay Chain / Substrate. You can enter addresses in any format to search airdrop rewards. The number of airdrops shown by all addresses in the same address is actually the same airdrop, and it is not superimposed.

Q: How will the airdrop reward be distributed? Do you follow the same unlocking rules?

A: Since all of the above airdrops or rewards belong to the ZLK issued on the Bifrost chain, ZLK airdrops will eventually be sent to your Bifrost wallet address (switch the address displayed to “Bifrost” in the Polkadot.js extension), which is unsolicited and does not require you to collect it manually.

The above airdrops or rewards will apply to the following unlocked rules: Airdrops for Zenlink SlotVault participants will receive 50% of the airdrop immediately after Zenlink DEX DApp is launched, the remaining 50% will be unlocked and sent after you achieve a trading volume ≥ 1000 USD or liquidity injection ≥ 5000 USD in the first month of the Zenlink DEX DApp launch, which will be sent after one month from the Zenlink DEX DApp launch date. The rest of the early backer airdrops will be airdropped to the corresponding accounts as soon as the Zenlink DEX DApp goes live.

Q: When will the Zenlink NFT (Explorer Edition) belonging to Zenlink’s second round of Beta testers and the Zenlink NFT (Guardian Edition) of Zenlink DAO Initial governance committee members and Zenlink guardians/ambassadors be released? Are there any plans for Zenlink NFT?

A: The above-mentioned Zenlink NFT is not released for the time being, but only records the attribution, it will be sent out on the Polkadot network at a later date.

This is because Zenlink NFT is currently issued on BSC but not in circulation, we plan to map Zenlink NFT to the Polkadot network in the future, and we will also issue a separate economic whitepaper describing the design and future development plans of Zenlink NFT.

Learn more about Zenlink:

📍 — DEX | Website | Twitter| Github | Telegram EN | Telegram CN | Announcements Channel

📚 — Whitepaper | Tokenomics



Zenlink Foundation Ltd.

Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.