Moonbeam and Zenlink Announce Collaboration for DEX Aggregation on Kusama and Polkadot

Zenlink Foundation Ltd.
3 min readNov 4, 2021

On November 4th, 2021, Zenlink announced an integration with Moonriver, an Ethereum compatible smart contract platform on Kusama.

Moonbeam is a smart contract parachain focusing on Ethereum compatibility on Polkadot. As the first liquidity-sharing cross-chain platform, Zenlink will first deploy to Moonriver, the sister network of the Moonbeam network on Kusama. Starting from Moonriver, Zenlink aims to provide efficient DEX services to the whole Polkadot DeFi ecosystem.

Zenlink is the first cross-chain DEX protocol built on Polkadot. Zenlink has developed three different implementations, Module, EVM, and WASM, as channels for accessing the DEX platform and allowing for convenient connection to Zenlink. This improves the user experience for cross-chain asset transactions on the Polkadot ecosystem.

The Zenlink engineering team is actively working to deliver a new round of DEX aggregator testing on Moonriver, the Kusama-based sister network of Moonbeam. This integration will be an essential use case for the Kusama-native cross-chain asset experience, which will be used to unlock the ultimate DEX protocol based on Substrate. All parachains can build DEX with one click and liquidity sharing from the Moonriver-based EVM environment.

“Thanks to Moonriver’s perfect EVM support, developers can not only quickly deploy projects on Moonriver, but they can also experience the huge interoperability advantages brought by parachains in the future. These technical features also helped Moonriver build an ecosystem and capture user value and attention in a very short timeframe,” says Guotao, co-founder of Zenlink. “Zenlink hopes to bring other heterogeneous chain assets onto the Moonriver parachain by deploying on Moonriver so that users in the Polkadot ecosystem can easily trade a richer variety of assets on Moonriver.”

“Polkadot achieves scalability through running multiple parachains in parallel, but as a consequence, liquidity can be fragmented across multiple parachains,” says Derek Yoo, Founder of Moonbeam. “Zenlink’s unique multi-chain approach to liquidity aggregation and order routing can help unify and simplify the end-user experience while allowing assets to live on different chains. This kind of native multi-chain approach is well suited to Polkadot and is a leading indicator for what web3 applications will look like as they adopt multi-chain architectures.”

Zenlink is now live on Moonriver. In the near future, the cross-chain DEX aggregation of Zenlink will be deployed to the Moonbeam network (once the network is launched).

About the Moonbeam Network

Moonbeam is an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on the Polkadot network that makes it easy to build natively interoperable applications. This Ethereum compatibility allows developers to deploy existing Solidity smart contracts and DApp frontends to Moonbeam with minimal changes. As a parachain on the Polkadot network, Moonbeam will benefit from the shared security of the Polkadot relay chain and integrations with other chains that are connected to Polkadot. Currently, in active development by PureStake, Moonbeam is expected to launch the mainnet in Q4 of 2021. Learn more:

About Zenlink

Zenlink is an underlying cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot and is committed to becoming the DEX composable hub of Polkadot. By accessing the ultimate, open, and universal cross-chain DEX protocol based on Substrate, Zenlink DEX Protocol enables all parachains to build DEX and achieve liquidity sharing in one click. Zenlink DEX Protocol includes Module, WASM, and EVM implementations, which are flexible and adaptable, allowing for customizable compositions and interoperability with different DeFi modules.

In addition, the Zenlink DEX Aggregator connects all DEX DApps on Polkadot and aggregates liquidity, providing a low slippage trading experience for users. Zenlink DEX Composable Hub enables developers to access the Zenlink DEX Module to build their own unique DEXs, forming a DEX composable hub for the Polkadot ecosystem. Zenlink has received 2 rounds of Web3 Foundation Grants and investments from well-known institutions such as Alameda Research, Hashkey, IOSG, OKEx Blockdream Ventures, and Hypersphere. Learn more:

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Zenlink Foundation Ltd.

Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.