New Pool: MOVR/xcRMRK LP Farming is Live on Zenlink with ZLK and MOVR Rewards

Zenlink Foundation Ltd.
2 min readJan 25, 2022

Yesterday, we have announced that Zenlink has supported quick and easy migration of RMRK from Statemine to Moonriver via X-Transfer, and it is permanently available and accessible on Moonriver as xcRMRK. You can learn more details and a tutorial here:

As a next step, we will be listing xcRMRK and launching MOVR/xcRMRK LP farming to provide DeFi gains for xcRMRK holders and also provide the Dotsama community with the best DEX platform for swap xcRMRK tokens. Below are more details on the xcRMRK farming pool.

*ZLK and MOVR daily rewards will be dynamically adjusted based on the actual TVL of the pool.

Farming Period: Long-term (if the incentive is adjusted or discontinued, a separate announcement will be made, please follow the Twitter or Zenlink Discord server)

Rewards calculation formula: actual rewards users can earn per block = (number of users staked tokens / total number of staked tokens) * reward release rate

Rewards Claim: users can claim rewards once in each reward interval, please refer to the countdown displayed on the front end of Zenlink DEX for the specific time to claim rewards.

We are happy to support RMRK and help its expansion in the Moonriver ecosystem, so we have committed to integrating the Statemine>Moonriver cross-chain bridge service (via HRMP) in X-Transfer, which will serve as a user-friendly tool to help the RMRK community with their token migration. Also, we’ve added MOVR rewards to the xcRMRK farming pool, hope everyone enjoys it!

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Zenlink Foundation Ltd.

Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.