X-Transfer: New Feature of Zenlink that Combines Cross-Chain and Token Transfer

Zenlink Foundation Ltd.
3 min readDec 27, 2021

Today, we are pleased to announce a new feature of Zenlink, X-Transfer, which integrates cross-chain and token transfer functions and will be a great convenience for the community, we will introduce the main features and usages of X-Transfer one by one, enjoy!


The Cross-Chain module mainly consists of two types of cross-chain bridges, Substrate<>Substrate bridge and EVM<>Substrate bridge. The Zenlink team will gradually improve and enrich its services to provide one-stop cross-chain bridge services for the community.

Substrate<>Substrate Bridge

According to the plan, we will have a queue to support cross-chain services between different Substrate native parachains, as outlined below.

  • Bifrost<>Kusama Cross-Chain Bridge Service (enabled): supports KSM cross-chain transfer between Bifrost parachains and the Kusama network.
  • Bifrost<>Karura Cross-Chain Bridge Service (enabled): supports cross-chain transfer between Bifrost network assets and Karura network assets (cross-chain transfers for ZLK will be available soon).
  • Bifrost<>Phala Cross-Chain Bridge Service (coming soon): supports cross-chain transfer between Bifrost network assets and Phala network assets.
  • Bifrost<>Statemine Cross-Chain Bridge Service (coming soon): supports cross-chain transfer between Bifrost network assets and Statemine assets.
  • More cross-chain bridge services between Substrate parachains will be added…

EVM<>Substrate Bridge

The cross-chain transfer between EVM and Substrate has been desired by the dotsama community, and once the technology is mature Zenlink will also integrate this cross-chain bridge service to bring convenience to the community, more details are as follows.

  • Moonriver<>Bifrost Cross-Chain Bridge Service (coming soon): supports cross-chain transfer between Moonriver network assets and Bifrost network assets (ZLK cross-chain transfer between Moonriver network and Bifrost network will also be implemented in this phase).
  • More cross-chain bridge services between EVM and Substrate will be added…

Token Transfer

As we all know, the EVM chain and EVM compatible chains have a well-established infrastructure that allows users to transfer tokens with little friction through wallet extensions or mobile wallets. However, since Substrate is still in a high development phase, it is not as convenient for users to transfer tokens. Although users can transfer tokens through PolkadotJS or tools provided by para chains (DApp, etc.), there is still a lot of friction for users to complete token transfers as they are fragmented and mostly separate from DEX.

Therefore, Zenlink has also integrated this feature in the X-Transfer module, and we believe that integrating it in DEX will make token transfers smoother and more articulable for users.

Currently, Zenlink DEX already supports Bifrost network assets in X-Transfer with one click to transfer and view balance, it also includes all assets that cross-chain to the Bifrost network such as KSM, KAR, kUSD, etc., so users will be able to easily transfer these assets to another account and trade in Zenlink DEX.

This is an overview of the X-Transfer feature. Although it is still being improved, we can’t wait to bring this news to the community and serve all the dotsama community users. We will get better and better, as our slogan says, Make DEX easier, for more people!

In addition, we still have another new feature coming that will bring more flexibility to users’ trading options, which we will announce to the community as soon as it is ready, stay tuned!

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Zenlink Foundation Ltd.

Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.