Zenlink 2nd Community Beta Test Ends, and Zenlink DEX EVM Submitted to Security Audit | Monthly Updates (Sept. 2021)

Zenlink Foundation Ltd.
5 min readOct 5, 2021

In September, we made very substantial progress, both in terms of the Zenlink DEX Protocol and Zenlink SlotVault.

The following are the details of monthly updates:

Technology/product progress

Notes: Zenlink mainly consists of two core parts: Zenlink DEX Protocol and DApp. Zenlink Protocol will implement a simple, highly versatile and pluggable DEX Module, which can enable parachains to access DEX capabilities after the Module is deployed on the parachain in a plug-and-pull manner; at the same time, we will also create an efficient DEX dedicated cross-chain protocol to realize the liquidity sharing between the DEX Module on different parachains.

Zenlink DApp is a front-end interactive product based on Zenlink DEX Protocol to facilitate users to use cross-chain DEX without awareness.

SlotVault is a decentralized PLO support application built by Zenlink in relation to the Polkadot parachain slot auction, which is designed to provide support for Zenlink partners to bid on parachain slots.

DEX Protocol

  • Complete the second round of community beta testing. This test uses the Zenlink DEX EVM version, which is successfully deployed to Moonriver. During the testing period, nearly 2000 transactions were completed and running normally.
  • Complete the development of the “Bootstrap” function. This feature will help initialize the establishment of liquidity pools and introduce more liquidity in the form of additional incentives. At present, we provide two versions of Bootstrap, EVM, and Module, in which the Module version has been submitted to Bifrost. In the future, Zenlink will first launch the Bootstrap function on Bifrost, while the EVM version has already started the test in the second round of beta testing.
  • Zenlink DEX EVM version code has been submitted to SlowMist, a well-known blockchain security company, for a comprehensive security audit.


  • Before the start of the second round of public beta testing, we optimized the existing functions for the test, fixed some bugs, and improved the interactive experience in the EVM environment.
  • The second round of community beta testing was successfully launched. We got a lot of feedback from test users, and after the screening, we carried out a round of repair optimization, hoping to bring a better Zenlink DEX DApp to the community when it is officially launched.
  • After the second round of community beta testing, the Zenlink team conducted a joint test with Bifrost to verify and optimize the applicability of Zenlink DEX Module on the Bifrost parachain.
  • Plans to access Shiden Network are being pushed forward. Shiden Network is the basic DApp platform on Kusama, which also supports the basic solutions required by DApp, such as EVM virtual machines, WASM contracts, and Layer2.


  • Zenlink SlotVault has been officially deployed and supported the second batch of projects participating in Kusama Slot Auction including Calamari Network, Sakura, SherpaX, Crust Shadow, Altair, and Kintsugi BTC.
  • Zenlink SlotVault has successfully integrated Bifrost SALP Protocol function and connects it to Calamari Network, Altair, and Kintsugi BTC. Bifrost SALP allows users not only to participate in the Kusama Slot Auction but also to obtain the corresponding vsKSM and vsBond derivatives, thus releasing the liquidity of the locked KSM in the Crowdloan.

Ecological cooperation progress

Community/promotion progress

Community building progress

Event Branding

  • On September 9, Guo Tao, head of Zenlink China, joined an AMA host by HelloBTC and introduced the latest progress of Zenlink and future plans on the theme “How will Zenlink prepare for its launch with the unveil of the Polkadot DeFi ecosystem?”
  • On September 10, Guo Tao, head of Zenlink China was invited to participate Altair parachain auction press conference and explore the new Polkadot DeFi paradigm together with Centrifuge, and also participated in a round table forum entitled “How will DeFi link to the real world under Web3.0?”.
  • On September 16, Guo Tao, head of Zenlink China, and Lurpis, founder of Bifrost, were invited to participate in the 20th live Q&A session of “ask if you don’t know” sponsored by PolkaWorld, during which they demonstrated the operation of Bifrost SALP protocol and Zenlink SlotVault and answered the questions raised by the community.
  • On September 23, Guo Tao, head of Zenlink China, was invited to participate in a live broadcast hosted by Bluemountain Labs entitled “How does Zenlink open a new chapter for Polkadot DeFi ecosystem as the first cross-chain DEX protocol on Polkadot?”
  • On September 25, Guo Tao, head of Zenlink China was invited to participate in the offline event of “Polkadot&friends Meetup Chengdu, a multi-chain interoperating system of Polkadot” co-sponsored by PolkaWorld, Web3 Foundation, Parity, and Polkadot, and shared the round table with the theme of “Next Generation Applications of Web3.0”.

Learn more about Zenlink

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Zenlink Foundation Ltd.

Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.