Zenlink completed the first cross-chain assets trading between Polkadot parachains

Zenlink Foundation Ltd.
2 min readDec 12, 2020

Today, once again, we are very excited to announce that Zenlink completed the prototype verification of cross-chain assets trading between Polkadot parachains at 2020–12–12 04:00:00 UTC.

It means that the first cross-chain dex user case on Polkadot has been verified successfully based on Zenlink DEX Module and Assets Module, and the assets issued by Zenlink DEX Module can be transferred between Polkadot parachains by using XCMP.

So far, Zenlink has completed the key technical research of cross-chain DEX, including assets issuing, liquidity establishment, cross-chain channel establishment, and cross-chain trading, etc. From a technical perspective, Zenlink DEX Module will be the cross-chain channel hub for all parachains in the Polkadot ecosystem, specifically responsible for cross-chain transactions across the entire network.

“Next, Zenlink will complete the front-end of the latest testnet version(V0.3) and invite the community to test as soon as possible. At the same time, Zenlink will gradually cooperate with more Polkadot parachain projects to promote the development of the whole Polkadot ecosystem development.”

— Leo Guo, Head of Zenlink China

About Zenlink

Zenlink is committed to building a new generation cross-chain DEX network. By integrating the Zenlink DEX Module, Zenlink can enable parachains to access DEX capabilities and share liquidity with other parachains quickly; Zenlink DEX aggregator can link all DEX DApps on Polkadot. Users can not only complete the exchange easily and quickly but also enjoy a low slippage transaction experience. ZLK, Zenlink native token, provides a fair and transparent governance mechanism and reasonable value capture methods, which can be used to motivate ecosystem users to participate in network development for a long time.

Zenlink is an important member of the Polkadot ecosystem and is sponsored by the Web3 Foundation. For now, two grants have been delivered successfully.

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Zenlink Foundation Ltd.

Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.