Zenlink Quarterly Digest: Q3 2023

Zenlink Foundation Ltd.
4 min readOct 23, 2023

Zenlink is pleased to present you the Q3 digest of major news and updates.

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Technical Updates


Technical updates focus on the following branches: Zenlink DEX Protocol, DEX DApp, and Mega Aggregator.

Zenlink DEX Protocol is the underlying unified and universal cross-chain DEX Protocol, enabling parachains to have DEX functionality and quickly share liquidity with other parachains. Zenlink DEX Protocol includes Module, WASM, and EVM implementations, which are flexible and adaptable, allowing for customizable compositions and interoperability with different DeFi modules.

Zenlink DEX DApp is an interactive front-end product based on Zenlink DEX Protocol to facilitate users using cross-chain DEX without awareness.

Zenlink Mega Aggregator is designed to help users achieve optimal trading results across multiple chains and exchanges by combining off-chain computing and on-chain smart contracts. It will first launch on the Astar Network and then gradually transition to multi-chain.

1. Upgrade to Zenlink Mega Aggregator v2

The smart contract architecture has been upgraded for easier integration with new L1s & L2s.

2. Deploy the Zenlink Mega Aggregator to Scroll Alpha Testnet

This integration is one of the critical milestones in Zenlink’s expansion plans.

3. Launch Zenlink Mega Aggregator on Moonbeam network

Zenlink Mega Aggregator was officially activated on the Moonbeam network, providing seamless integration with StellSwap Stable&V2&V3, Beamswap Stable&V3, Beamex, and Zenlink DEX.

4. Launch Zenlink Mega Aggregator on the Base Mainnet

Zenlink Mega Aggregator was fully integrated into the Base network, offering smooth interoperability with Uniswap V3, SushiSwap V3, and BaseSwap.

5. Assisted the Interlay team in Integrating the Zenlink DEX Protocol

We’re also excited to see Zenlink’s open-source code being adopted by more great projects like Interlay and boosting their vision.

6. New Parachain Integration

The Polkadot Parachain, Amplitude, has officially integrated the Zenlink DEX Protocol and enabled trading on our app: https://app.zenlink.pro

Community News

1. Open-Source Code Adoption

On July 6, Interlay’s BTC DeFi Hub went live, with the DEX module adopting open-source code from Zenlink DEX Protocol.

2. aSEED (aUSD renamed) Activation

On July 20, the Acala/Karura team announced renaming aUSD to aSEED and activating it on Zenlink.

3. Buyback & Burn Update

The 7th Buyback & Burn was completed. A total of 307,369 ZLK have been burned with buyback from the secondary market. Over 3.2 million ZLK tokens have been destroyed to date, accounting for 3.2% of the total supply. Check more details here.

4. Multi-chain Integration of Zenlink Mega Aggregator

Zenlink Mega Aggregator has been integrated into Scroll Alpha Testnet, Moonbeam Network and Base Mainnet.

5. Zenlink DEX adopted as a data source

On August 16, Zenlink was integrated by DIA as a data source, enabling DIA to fetch market trading data from Bifrost for building price oracles.

6. Zenlink Mega Aggregator Adds DEXs Integration on Base & Astar Network

On August 31, Zenlink Mega Aggregator added seamless integration with Aerodrome and Curve on the Base network, making a total of 5 main DEXs on Base have been integrated with ZMA.

On September 4, Zenlink Mega Aggregator added seamless integration with ArthSwap V3, offering optimum trading services for Astar ecosystem.

7. Amplitude Integration

On September 14, Polkadot’s Parachain, Amplitude, integrated the Zenlink DEX Protocol and completed LBP. $AMPL trading on Zenlink DEX was initiated, with the Zenlink DEX UI also adding the Amplitude network.

Branding Events

PolkadotDecoded Shanghai Satellite Event

On July 16, Zenlink team members participated in the #PolkadotDecoded Shanghai Satellite Event. They presented on the topic “How to Combine the Evolutionary Trend of DEX with Polkadot’s Multi-chain Framework to Establish an Ecosystem Synergetic DEX Protocol?”

We look forward to bringing you more progress in Q4 and thank you for your interest!

Learn more about Zenlink:

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Zenlink Foundation Ltd.

Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.