Zenlink X-Transfer Now Supports RMRK Token Migration from Statemine to Moonriver

Zenlink Foundation Ltd.
3 min readJan 24, 2022

RMRK Protocol is a multi-chain NFT protocol that is Substrate-based and hosted on Kusama, known as NFT Lego. RMRK token was launched last year on Statemine, a common good parachain on Kusama that is designed to serve as an asset hub for the ecosystem. The RMRK team has recently begun migrating these tokens to other parachains in the ecosystem through these HRMP channels, like Moonriver, Bifrost, and Karura.

The HRMP channel between Moonriver and Statemine is now open, meaning that fungible tokens (such as RMRK) on Statemine can be easily transferred to the Moonriver network based on Substrate’s native interoperability. One important thing to note is that due to Moonbeam’s commitment to Ethereum compatibility, RMRK lives on Moonriver as an XC-20 token, which is an important XC-20 asset after xcKSM.

XC-20s are cross-chain assets that are native to Substrate that have an ERC-20 token interface. Consequently, users can interact with XC-20s as they would with other fungible tokens, for example, add them to MetaMask and create liquidity pools in DEXs. All XC-20s will have xc prepended to their name. For example, RMRK’s representation on Moonriver is known as xcRMRK.

As the first native cross-chain DEX on Polkadot, Zenlink already supports the migration of RMRK tokens from Statemine to Moonriver, after which RMRK will be permanently available and accessible on Moonriver as xcRMRK, and can create liquidity pools in Zenlink DEX. This feature is implemented through Zenlink’s X-Transfer and users can now migrate RMRK to the Moonriver network and Bifrost with one click through X-Transfer in Zenlink DEX. Learn more about X-Transfer.

Below we will show you how to migrate your RMRK from Statemine to the Moonriver network via X-Transfer. Before migration, please make sure you have enough RMRK balance on Statemine for cross-chain transfer and a small amount of KSM for the cross-chain network fee.

Note: Currently, you can only transfer RMRK from Statemine to Moonriver, you cannot transfer xcRMRK on Moonriver back to RMRK on Statemine at this time.

How to Transfer RMRK Tokens to Moonriver via X-Transfer

Step 1: Visit https://dex.zenlink.pro/ and find X-Transfer in the Swap page, and keep the default cross-chain option.

Step 2: Select the RMRK token and select “Statemine” and “Moonriver” in the “Source chain” and “Destination chain” respectively.

Step 3: Input the amount of tokens to be transferred and fill in a Moonriver address to receive xcRMRK, then click Transfer below.

Step 4: After confirming that the information is correct on the pop-up page, click Transfer again and sign in PolkadotJS to submit the transaction.

After a few moments, you will be able to see your xcRMRK balance in Zenlink DEX by clicking on the wallet icon in the top right corner, cross-chaining RMRK from Statemine to Bifrost will follow a similar process as above. In addition, you can also consider doing the above cross-chain operation through the Moonriver app, please refer to the tutorial here: https://moonbeam.network/tutorial/ransfer-rmrk-tokens-to-moonriver/

More details about xcRMRK listing on Zenlink DEX and activities will be announced tomorrow, stay tuned!

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Zenlink Foundation Ltd.

Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.