Brand New Customizable Microsite

Chaim G
Zeno Media
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2018

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Micro Sites!

Zeno Media Landing Page

There are other services out there working to create microsites and other tools for radio stations and content creators. What separates Zeno Media from the pack is our approach and main concern with all our products — What is best for the broadcaster. With that in mind, we’re really proud with this first launch and even more excited for what’s to come.

Key Features:

  • Completely Customizable — We redesigned the sites from the ground up, bringing your station front and center. Now, you can customize your background, logo, station description and include all your social media links.
  • Your site, your link — With a branded URL, enables your site to feel even more like home. All new pages will sit on the new URL and then you can customize the URL to be
  • Built in Zeno Broadcast — When using Zeno Broadcast listeners can call-in and speak with the host on-air directly from your microsite. No need for listeners to memorize phone numbers and broadcasters to manage complex IVR systems.
  • Redesigned Widget (coming soon) — Along with the new landing pages we are launching a brand new widget to embed on your website. Just like the landing pages, the widget is completely customizable and responsive, allowing for unlimited sizes tailor made for you.

To get started log into your Zeno Media account.

This is just the beginning, and can’t wait to show you what else we’re working on.

Happy Broadcasting!



Chaim G
Zeno Media

Product, Marketing, Always learning and trying new stuff