Zenport Book Club
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2 min readApr 28, 2018


ZBC#99 [Fight against vanity] Politics as a Vocation/職業としての政治

Today, I’ll introduce Politics as a Vocation from Zenport Book Club#99 on Apr21th 2018.

Max Weber, the famous German sociologist, had a lecture of politics in 1919. The lecture is widely regarded as masterpiece of political theory.

In the lecture, he proposed the definition of politics, and the requirements for professional politician.

What is the definition? What we should have in order to lead the people?

Let us check his ideas


  • The trigger of politics is power. In that sense, politics means the pursuit of power or dividing power between the groups of people.
  • There are three grounds for legitimate rule. One is traditional authority, that is based on the habit. Second is charisma authority, that is based on the heroism and charisma. The last is legal authority, that is based on the legal apparatus.
  • Professional politician needs to have the following requirements. Those are passion, responsibility and judgement.
  • Politician also needs to fight vanity. Politician are tempted to make decisions based on the emotional attachments to followers. It’s natural perspective for people. Therefore, politician needs to fight human’s natural desire and control themselves.


  • In the near future, I think we need a new kind of authority style. I think it will be based on credit. After this, the nation-state concept should fade, then law cannot rule the people like before any more. we should need the new grounds on behalf of law. That should be flexible and distributed into people. I think it should be credit.
  • I totally agree the requirements of politician. These should be the condition for not only for politician but all leaders. On the other hand, what I’m interested in is how to make those kind of leaders. It’s one of the issue in my life. I think it should be thought.


Today, I’ve introduced Politics as a Vocation, that explained the requirements of the professional politician.

Next, let me introduce Contours of the world economy from Zenport Book Club #100.

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Zenport Book Club

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