Empty Your Cup

Art Lovers Welcome
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2022


A Lesson From The Zen Master

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

At an unknown University, There was a professor who was known as a knowledgeable person. There were much research named to him in the field of philosophy. The professor had a keen interest in Buddhism’s Zen practices and wanted to excel more by learning deeper. And so he visited a famous Japanese Zen master to learn about Zen wisdom.

When he reached the Zen master’s place, his disciples took him to the room of Zen Master. Zen master’s physical appearance was affable and his spirit was lofty. His face was shimmering and a lot of positive energy could be felt around him. After welcoming his visitor, the Zen master asked the professor the reason of his visit. The professor told him the motive of the visit “I have come to ask you to teach me about Zen.” The Zen master asked the professor, “You are known for your knowledge everywhere, please share something with me.” The Professors started telling about his research in different fields one by one. After some time, he started sharing his knowledge about Zen. The Zen master listen to him silently for an hour. Zen master interrupted and asked the professor if he would like to enjoy some tea.

Knowing he should accept, the professor smiled and thanked the Zen master for his generosity. While one of the Zen master’s disciples disappeared and then quickly reappeared with two cups and some steaming…



Art Lovers Welcome

3X Top Writer (Art | Positivity | Zentangle). A Hong Kong-based freelance artist talks about art & mental health.