Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Fear Dental Implant Surgery

Lakecia Hammond


Sometimes there’s no fish tank, plush chair or Edwin McCain song in the world that can keep you from feeling like a wreck right before your dental appointment. It happens. Many people feel nervous about visiting the dentist and particularly weary when it comes to dental implant surgery.

We’ve gathered a few reasons you should leave your worries behind when it comes to dental implants — a procedure that is less painful than you think.

Your doctor’s a pro.

Your doctor is used to seeing beads of sweat from patients and for that reason, they take special care when it comes to explaining the procedure as whole so the process is transparent. This includes showing the patient a model of the procedure.

You will wonder why your patient is so calm about drilling in your mouth and it’s because they are comfortable and confident that they can give you the smile you want. If you have any pending questions prior to procedure, your doctor should be able to address them and make you feel at ease.

You can be asleep.

Having an implant is a surgical procedure which means anesthesia or sedation (oral or IV) will be used for your procedure. Though some may choose to stay awake during the procedure, many opt into sleeping for the sake of comfort and relaxation. I’m part of the latter group. Wake up to a completed visit? Sign me up.

The process is easy peasy.

When it comes to implants, the task is to attach an artificial tooth root to the jawbone beneath your gums. Though we may wonder how on earth this is possible, it’s important to trust that this is a routine process by dentists and you are in good hands.

Because you have a CT scan before your appointment, your doctor knows exactly where they will be doing their handiwork for your custom treatment. It will take as much as 1–2 hours for surgery itself.

Recovery is cinch.

Your doctor will help you plan the best way to stay comfortable during the entirety of your recovery process. Most patients experience minimal discomfort with the mandatory planning from a doctor and pain relievers. You may see swelling or bruising on your gums but it’s important to understand that this is actually a part of the process and will heal with time. The entire recovery process post-surgery is 3–6 months.

Yes, you can afford it.

As scary as that price looks for dental implants, it’s completely affordable with the right savings. Dental implants are an investment and the money you put into this procedure will last a lifetime. That beats buying a brand new car that you’ll eventually have to replace the transmission for, right? Food for thought.

Zentist offers a breakdown of dental implants cost and saves you a search query for ‘dental care near me’. As a Zentist member, you’ll receive three custom treatment plans, a free CT scan (a $360 value) and price transparency for the entire process. If you don’t carry insurance or need to find out how to trim the fat when it comes to your healthcare expenses, Zentist is your answer. For more information, visit

