The Patient’s Guide To Dental Implants

Lakecia Hammond


Despite improvements in dental care, millions of Americans suffer tooth loss — mostly due to tooth decay, gingivitis (gum disease), or injury. For many years, the only treatment options available for people with missing teeth were bridges and dentures.

But, today, dental implants are available. Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth.

How Does It Work?

This is a common fear, and many people avoid getting dental implants because they simply don’t want to undergo the “excruciating” pain and the exhaustive healing process. Believe it or not, getting dental implants can take only 10 minutes and while being sedated, you feel no pain!

Once you’ve gotten your implant, the healing process can take a few months, but as long as you take pain medications as needed, it is likely that there will be little to no discomfort. The most ideal scenario is getting an implant right after you get a tooth extracted or lose a tooth, and since the gum and bone around that tooth is still strong, the process of getting an implant and the healing process is seamless.

Who’s a candidate for dental implants?

The dental implant treatment is recommended for patients with a full arch of missing teeth, or who are planning to have any remaining teeth removed and replaced with implants. It offers a stable, long-term, alternative to traditional dentures. If you are diabetic or use tobacco, you may not be an ideal candidate for this procedure.

“I’m sold. Where do I go for dental implants?”

Don’t waste time figuring out when you’ll replace your tooth — make the effort toward a confident smile today. Zentist targets your dental needs and offers custom, affordable dental treatment plans that are made for you; challenging the U.S. dental market with transparent pricing and accessibility, regardless of your economic status. If you’re tired of searching ‘dental implants cost’ and ‘dental care near me’, book your dental implant procedure at

