Types of Dental Fractures

Lakecia Hammond


Believe it or not, fractures are nothing new to the dental world and although they usually happen after the age of 25, they can still become an issue for the younger generation. When you have a crack in your teeth, this could be one of the most painful experiences which and you’ll want to know the type of fracture you’re dealing with.

Though no advice replaces that of a dentist, you can still keep yourself aware of the effects of each fracture and what to do next.

The type of fracture that exceeds below the gumline is an subgingival fracture and pain should ease one the piece of broken tooth is removed from your gums by a dentist. It won’t affect your nerves but this type of crack may require a root canal prior to getting a crown on the tooth. There are instances where you can’t save the tooth since it may have gone way beyond the gum line. Make sure to get regular checkups so your dentist can monitor and diagnose in this process.

Another below-the-gums fracture is the oblique fracture which is often under the bone. Sometimes you can save your root fractured tooth with a root canal but often times, it will be lost later on due to an absess of the bone.

An oblique supragingival fracture is one that is above the gums and usually tends to happen when you bite into something too hard that your teeth couldn’t handle. Once the broken part of the tooth breaks off, you shouldn’t experience any pain since it doesn’t directly affect your nerve. If your dentin becomes exposed, it’s time to pay your dentist a visit to have it repaired. Should there be a large fracture, you may need to look into getting a crown.

One type of fracture that is normally very difficult for people to deal with is the Vertical apical root fracture. This tampers with the tip of your root and yes, there is severe pain even after removing the nerve with a root canal. The pain comes from the fragments putting pressure on the bone, causing a strain in the fractured pieces. If you’re experiencing this, the dentist should be your very next phone call to perform a root canal.

At-home solutions for fractures and cracks in your teeth are never recommended. They can become even more serious in a matter of time if it’s not treated. Don’t have a dentist? You can choose to search ‘dental care near me’ or turn to Zentist for an affordable, professional doctor matched to your unique case. Need other dental work? Find dental implants cost and more on Zentist.io.

