
Lakecia Hammond
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2017

Dental veneers are attached to the front of teeth in order to create a perfect white smile. Veneers can be made with direct composite, applied directly to teeth and then shaped by a cosmetic dentist, or with indirect composite or porcelain. These are custom made in a laboratory and then cemented to the teeth. The tooth is shaved slightly so that when the veneer is attached, the tooth does not become thicker. This will permanently change the natural tooth.

Recommended for

  • Discolored teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Worn tooth enamel
  • Tooth decay


To prepare the teeth for veneers, a part of the tooth is shaved off. Shaving the tooth is a permanent and irreversible change, therefore patients should be sure about getting veneers before choosing to have treatment. The dentist usually removes around 0.5mm of the tooth’s surface so that when the veneer is attached, the tooth does not become thicker.


Once the tooth has been prepared (reduced in size), the dentist will make a dental impression. This will be used to create custom veneers in the laboratory. At the next appointment (days later once the veneers have been created), the dentist will attach the veneers to the teeth.


Direct composite, indirect composite, porcelain, lumineers, snap on smile.


Local anesthetic may be used while preparing teeth.

Procedure duration

Direct composite veneers may be done in one session, whereas porcelain veneers need to be created in a laboratory based on an initial mould, requiring at least 2 appointments. The clinic will be able to tell patients how quickly the laboratory can create the veneers. Clinics with their own laboratory on site are usually quicker.


Post procedure care

Patients should be careful with eating hard foods. A night guard is sometimes recommended to protect teeth, particularly if patients grind their teeth.

Possible discomfort

Patients may feels some discomfort as a result of the tooth preparation, however in general the procedure is pain-free. If patients experience pain after the veneers are fitted, it can be a sign that the bite needs to be adjusted.

To book a procedure, visit

