When should I start to take my child to the dentist?

When it’s time to get serious about your infant’s oral care.

Lakecia Hammond
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2018


When someone has a baby, it’s normal to want to protect them from everything including the heightened anxiety you get when your baby has a fever. Most parents think that babies don’t need to go to the dentist since their teeth haven’t grown in, but this a big misconception. Not only is dental care essential for infants, it’s priming them for the set of teeth to come.

When should babies have their first dental appointment?

Tooth decay is one highest health concerns in the United States, kids as young as five. Sugar consumption is high in the US. This is why The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that kids visit the dentist for the first time when they get their first tooth.

An early appointment will not only prevent early tooth decay but also any other dental issues your child may develop in the future. Nevertheless, we know it’s not easy to find the right pediatric dentist. But finding one could be a lot easier if you could just get matched to a dental plan that’s actually affordable and doesn’t break the bank. But, I digress.

Learning new things to prevent small problems before growth

Ray Stewart, DMD, MS, and professor at UC San Francisco, is implementing an initiative to promote the treatment of young patients in dental clinics; The Dental Transformation Initiative in California.

With this initiative, they plan to train general dentists to be able to see younger patients. But that’s not the only solution, many of those children who suffer from tooth decay at 5–6–7–8 years must be intervened with general anesthesia which could be very risky.

Doctors in the United States are moving forward in developing a new and improved health for children and also, avoiding the general treatment at shortage with general anesthesia that may result if early dental care isn’t taken into account.

The answer

Yes. Take your child to the dentist as soon as the first tooth sprouts. Want to get this taken care soon?

Book an appointment at Zentist.io.

