Where Do You Find The Cheapest Dental Implants in the Bay Area?

Where are they and can you afford them?

Lakecia Hammond
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2018


Wherever you are in your hunt for affordable dental implants, it’s fair to assume that you’ve had more than one run-in with a price tag that left you baffled. Everyone wants to know where to go to get the best deals on dental care. It’s a brand new year, and taking care of you is in the forefront.

With cosmetic procedures being denied by occupational healthcare plans, people are scrambling elsewhere for the best rates. And here we are.

So, where do you find the cheapest dental implants in the Bay Area?

Low cost dental implants in San Francisco

Maybe you have a missing tooth; implants are the solution. Cosmetic dentistry can be used to not only repair, but redesign your smile. But with changes so drastic, you’d think finding a cosmetic dentist in your budget is next to impossible — but it’s not with Zentist.

Cheap dental implant payment plans

There’s nothing “cheap” about dental implants when it comes to material or the the final product. We can, however, attest to needing affordability in the healthcare space. This is why having a dentist referred by other dental professionals, powered by AI technology, and a highly praised by a roster of patients, and in the Bay Area is a must. We’re discarding the word “cheap” and trading it in for a more suitable one — “affordable”. Because after all, no money is worth bad cosmetic dentistry results — not even a little.

Zentist is responsible for solving the out-of-pocket patient’s issue of coverage. By choosing a dental treatment plan suggested by Zentist, patients are finding the prices lower while payment plan options are still made available.

The cost of dental implants and its parts

Sure, we’ve seen people get sticker shock from dental implants — we get it. But are you looking at the big picture? Bay Area Dental implants aren’t actually expensive; they are simply high cost for very valid and valuable reasons. Including but not limited to:

  • The process is extensive and precise requires a special level of skill and expertise in cosmetic dentistry.
  • Routine check ups are necessary
  • The materials and tools used to restore teeth are of incredible quality and cost a pretty penny to make — without the specific materials and the tools, the longevity, effectiveness, and quality of the implant are all affected.
  • Titanium is precisely shaped into screw-form for the implant to be fixed into the jaw bone. Titanium may not be an expensive material, but the process of refining and crafting it is.
  • All dental implants require a uniquely designed crown to be placed on top of the titanium screw.

However, this isn’t to say that there aren’t affordable options. The majority of dentists do overcharge for these procedures to maximize their profits, but there are those gems that simply stick to true costs and minimal profit. Zentist can help you find the right dental implants cost with 3 second opinions from trusted dentists, ensuring you won’t be overcharged.

