A New Year, A New Zentoshi

Zentoshi Official
Published in
6 min readJan 2, 2020

The year 2019 has been a big year for Zentoshi. Zentoshi published its shiny new website, turned 1 year old, published a whitepaper, ported Bitcoin v0.19, and so much more.


Starting in our first quarter, we mapped out our development strategy and plans for the future as Bitcoin development matures. We began our website development, devised our marketing and business plan for the rest of the year. We then began piecing together our ideas on to paper for what became a 57 page document of what Zentoshi is, and will become.


Our second quarter was a moment of huge growth for Zentoshi. We accomplished instrumental milestones that were essential to our business. We finished our Whitepaper content and were ready to start designing it into the beauty that it is today. We finished our Zentoshi website design and development(www.zentoshi.com). Zentoshi started porting to bitcoin core V0.18 from V0.17 and begun testing various hypothesized functionalities that are planned to be part of the architecture of our blockchain. We created a wire frame for Bitcointalk, and expanded our efforts to multiple marketing platforms, as well as create the first Zentoshi Video! (https://youtu.be/yyeXQcSanaM)


Quarter three was a slow couple of months for us as we focused on laying the foundation for our blockchain and team. Throughout this quarter, our Development team spent countless sleepless nights slaving away on our codebase to port over the Dash Core to our Bitcoin Core v0.18 release. Much of the work we completed in this quarter, will be the same developments used for many years forward as we develop with newer versions of both Bitcoin Core and Dash Core. We spent this quarter looking inwards, performing a SWOT analysis on the company, and seeing what was missing. We brought on many new team members, with specialized skill sets that help fill in the gaps that Zentoshi needs to succeed. Along with an experienced Chief Marketing Officer, we filled the executive team, hiring Stefan as our Chief Design Officer. We also focused in preparing for SunnyNode, building out a sales team and educating them in our product proposition.


Quarter four was a rough one for us. We went into October with a November deadline to turn the lights on and get this train rolling. Everything moving full steam ahead, a sales team in-place, a platform close to completion, and a blockchain on the verge of genesis. With our blockchain testnet a few days late, we finally had testing underway resulting in some fatal bugs that ultimately resulted in our current delays. We underestimated the work required to transition fully to Bitcoin Core V0.19, and ended up encountering new issues as we marched into uncharted technological territory. Despite these woes, we’re plowing through, and have a successful bitcoin v0.19 fork with masternodes operating, PoW running, and Staking being fine tuned as we speak. With all this in place, other projects have started to take notice, and we are humbled and proud that our hardwork has been recognized and another project has chosen to utilize it, officially forking some of our technology. This is what Zentoshi aims to be, an explorer of new grounds, setting the stage and pathway for safe harbor to the new lands of blockchain technology.


We step into 2020 with a brand new mindset. Moving past our delays from 2019, we set new goals for ourselves and plan to see accelerated growth across our community as a whole as we transition from pre-launch to Alpha Launch.


The first quarter of 2020 is going to be our biggest step forward as an organization. Our utility Zentoshi Coin will be completed. In the last week of 2019, we fixed up most of what was holding us back with our Bitcoin v0.19 implementation and have some minor tweaks to make in the difficulty algorithm between staking and Proof of Work. SunnyNode will be 100% operational with affordable hosting tailored for Masternodes, and CloudGSP will be reaching alpha phase. Within this same quarter, our internal release will be reaching alpha for ZentoshiPay, which will be used on only our platforms at launch as we fine tune its function across the Microcosm. With our blockchain fully functioning, we will be listed on at least one exchange in Q1 but aim for three. We already have 2 listings secured as free listings, and have 3 others still in talks. Near the end of Q1 we plan on initializing our development of ZentoshiNode Secondary tech and will release guidance on its ETA to implementation on our chain.


As we get through launching some of our key platforms, we will begin fine-tuning most of the experiences across our initial launches based on customer feedback. With our Kaizen approach, we plan to listen to each and every consumer with an opinion on our service and how we can improve, to do just that. We will be launching our Directory of services where Zentopians can access a list of platforms and services that accept our utility as payment including all of our strategic partners of Zentoshi. We will be initializing our development of our Freelancer platform which will be tailored to work within the blockchain marketplace with vetted professionals who have accountability in their work. This will be coupled with an expansion of our ZentoshiPay system adding Escrow payments which enables our platforms to perform safe transactions. When an order is received, no payment will be released until the service is delivered or completed. This system is crucial for our Freelancer platform to ensure our users are protected, and our freelancers are held accountable for their work, thus ultimately aiming to reduce the scams and current fears of the market.


Within Quarter three, we will begin our development of our hardware wallet system which will be the foundation to building something much grander; still unannounced however plans for this will be announced sometime in 2021. As we plan for mass adoption, the tools we use to get there will need to developed and we are planning for that future in technology you can hold in your hands. CloudGSP will be transitioning into Beta stage, with both SunnyNode and CloudGSP expanding on their location availability as well as offerings.


As we bring 2020 to a close, Zentoshi will be launching development of an online banking system which employs both conventional technologies adopted by the existing banking systems as well as implementing new technology patented and developed by Zentoshi for the secure storage of blockchain assets to be utilized by both consumers and business customers. This system will be utilized as an extension of our ZentoshiPay systems and employ a more secure means of asset storage this market has never seen that can be trusted, secured, and insured. As we expand our organization, we find the need to establish a central office which our employees can feel comfortable in, and collaborate in. This office will be established in Bangkok, Thailand in accordance to the Amity Treaty with the United States for all American owned corporations. In addition to the registration of our company and currency with the Thai SEC to allow us to be traded on all regulated Thai cryptocurrency exchanges. Thus enabling us to operate between borders across the United States and SE Asia. With all of this exciting news, we will conclude the year with the launch of a Zentoshi Coin wallet for iOS and Android which will have the ability to stake coins.

In Conclusion,

2020 is going to be an extremely exciting year for Zentoshi. It is finally time for us to step out of development after almost 2 years of production, and press the pedal on our business plan. We will be fully implementing our plans, and launching off the start gate, we hope to welcome all to Zentoshi, make sure to follow us on our socials:

Website: www.Zentoshi.com

Discord: https://discord.gg/SAXcmpE

Telegram: https://t.me/Zentoshi

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZentoshiCoin

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZentoshiCoin

Github: https://github.com/Zentoshi

Medium: https://medium.com/@zentoshi

Steemit: https://steemit.com/@zentoshi

