Zentry Token Migration

Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2024

The new era is here and so is ZENT.

We’re excited to announce that GuildFi’s GF token is migrating to ZENT. The token migration will commence on April 25, 2024, with a deadline of 4 months from the commencement date. Users therefore have until August 25, 2024 to complete the token migration.

While the GF token suitably represented the GuildFi platform, the token migration is vital to power the multiple pillars within the Zentry ecosystem — the Gaming Superlayer.

This guide will outline the important details of the token migration and provide information on how community members can prepare for migrating GF tokens to ZENT tokens.

How to Migrate Your GF Tokens to ZENT Tokens?

We’ve streamlined the Zentry token migration for ease and simplicity.

GF holders can visit GuildFi’s website at guildfi.com/migration, connect their wallet with the GF token in it, and click the migrate button to commence the migration process. Once you’ve approved the transaction on your wallet, your GF tokens will be converted to ZENT tokens.

Alternatively, if holders have their GF tokens on centralized exchanges (CEXs) such as OKX or BitKub, migration will happen automatically.

Note: The conversion rate for the token migration is 1 GF = 10 ZENT

Follow the steps below to complete your token migration on the GuildFi website:

Step 1 — Navigate to Zentry’s token migration webpage

Head over the official token migration website at guildfi.com/migration to commence your token migration. Remember that this official URL is the only website that you should be manually migrating your tokens on.

Step 2 — Connect your wallet

Once you are on the Zentry token migration webpage, connect the wallet that holds your GF tokens.

Once you’ve connected your wallet, the webpage will display the amount of GF tokens you are able to migrate along with the corresponding number of ZENT tokens you will receive.

Step 3 — Approve contract access to GF tokens

Before proceeding with the Migration, the website must be given permission to access the GF tokens in your wallet. Ethereum gas fees will be required to complete the approval.

Click the ‘Approve Migration’ button to allow access.

Step 4 — Proceed with Migration

After the Migration contract has been approved, you can now proceed with the Migration of GF to ZENT. Ethereum gas fees will be required to complete the transaction.

Click the ‘Migrate to ZENT’ button to begin Migration.

Step 5 — Migration Complete!

Once the transaction has been processed, you will receive the appropriate amount of ZENT tokens in your connected wallet!

With ZENT in your hands, the Gaming Superlayer beckons.
See you on the other side.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

During this exciting period, we have had numerous questions from our community members regarding the token migration. We have answered some of these questions below.

  1. What is the token contract for ZENT?


2. How much ZENT is 1 GF worth?

For every 1 GF you convert, you will receive 10 ZENT. Therefore, the conversion rate is 1:10.

3. What if my GF token is on a centralized exchange (CEX)?

If you have your tokens on a centralized exchange such as OKX or Bitkub, your GF tokens will be automatically converted to ZENT tokens at a conversion rate of 1:10 on April 25, 2024.

4. How long is the migration period?

The migration period will last for 4 months from the commencement date. The token migration commencement date is April 25, 2024. Therefore, the final day that holders can migrate their GF token to ZENT token is August 25, 2024. This should provide enough time for all holders to successfully migrate their tokens. The team will not be responsible for any holders that fail to migrate their tokens during the period and will not be held liable to reimburse any unmigrated tokens to holders.

5. What happens if I don’t migrate my GF tokens?

ZENT, in practice, will serve as an upgraded version of the GF token. The intention is for ZENT to replace GF entirely, and the migration process allows GF token holders to transition their tokens to ZENT.

It’s important to note that any GF tokens that are not migrated during the process will continue to exist as GF tokens. However, the supply of ZENT will be proportionally reduced for each GF token that remains unclaimed, at a ratio of 1 GF:10 ZENT.

Although we anticipate that not all GF tokens will be migrated to ZENT due to various reasons, such as token holders losing access to their wallets, this will likely be a small amount after the migration is complete.

6. What if my GF tokens are staked?

GF stakers will continue to earn shards and further details on the migration to ZENT staking will be provided shortly after the token migration is completed.

