Zentry’s Vault: Infuse Tokens and Unlock Multi-realm Rewards

Published in
6 min readJun 7, 2024

The time has come to awaken the power of Zentry. We are thrilled to unveil the Vault, our pioneering core staking platform, where Zentry residents can infuse their ZENT tokens to earn mystical Fragments. Possessing these Fragments not only rewards you within the Zentry ecosystem but also unlocks a myriad of opportunities to earn diverse incentives and benefits across realms.

For quick access to the Zentry Vault, click here.

In this guide, we will walk you through the seamless process of infusing your ZENT tokens, explore various options for infusion, and provide detailed explanations of all related aspects.

What is ZENT infusion?

At Zentry, we are bringing a novel twist to the concepts of staking. Here, the commitment of your ZENT tokens to the Vault is known as ‘infusing,’ while the retrieval of these tokens is termed ‘unfusing.’ This is more than just a change of terminology — it’s a feature-packed mechanism that all will soon experience.

When you infuse your ZENT tokens into the Vault, you unlock the world of rewards known as Fragments. The Fragments you earn are proportional to the amount of ZENT tokens you infuse plus certain bonuses from roles and how much you contribute to the Zentry universe.

What are Fragments?

Fragments are among the most important elements in the Zentry universe. They are a testament to your commitment to the Zentry ecosystem. The more you engage with Zentry, the more Fragments you’ll accumulate.

These begin with infusing ZENT tokens, and we’re planning to introduce even more ways to earn Fragments soon.

Fragments are not just points; they’re your key to participation in exclusive events — ranging from ZENT and partner tokens to NFTs, whitelist entries, and beyond. But the utility of Fragments extends beyond our borders: they are recognized as valuable proof across the entire Web3 landscape, enhancing your reward potential in multiple realms. Stay active, infuse your tokens, and watch your influence in the Zentry and broader Web3 ecosystems grow through the strategic use of Fragments.

Is Zentry’s Vault related to Nexus?

In Zentry, all our products are interconnected, creating a cohesive universe of interaction and influence. The Vault, where a significant amount of ZENT is infused, stands as one of the primary power sources within the Zentry universe.

Nexus, on the other hand, is the core of influence, impacting not only Zentry but also multiple realms. It serves as a vibrant overlay for social activities. With its connection to the Vault, Nexus has been supercharged, expanding its influence from social interactions to encompass financial dynamics as well.

Drawing power from the Vault, Nexus transforms possibilities into reality. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting Nexus upgrade.

How to infuse ZENT?

There are two methods to infuse your ZENT, single-sided and ZENT/ETH Liquid infusing.

Single ZENT Infusing

1. Navigate to the Vault of ZENT.

2. Click on ‘Connect Wallet’ on the top right side of the page.

3. Now that your wallet is connected, if it contains ZENT, the balance of ZENT will be displayed. Enter the amount of ZENT you would like to infuse, or click ‘MAX’ to infuse the entire balance of your ZENT from your connected wallet.

4. Click on the ‘Approve ZENT’ button. You will then need to confirm the transaction on your connected wallet. You must have enough ETH in the same wallet for gas fees to complete the transaction.

5. Once complete, you will receive stZENT in your connected wallet that represents your infused ZENT.

6. Congratulations! Your ZENT tokens are now infused and you’ve started earning Fragments.

ZENT/ETH Liquid Infusing

1. Navigate to the Vault of ZENT.

2. Click on ‘Connect Wallet’ on the top right side of the page.

3. Now that your wallet is connected, click on ZETH/ETH Liquid Infusing to change your infusing method.

4. If it contains ZENT, the balance of ZENT will be displayed. Enter the amount of ZENT you would like to infuse, or click ‘MAX’ to infuse the entire balance of your ZENT from your connected wallet. You must have ETH in the same wallet to complete ZENT/ETH LP infusing.

4. The amount of ETH you must commit to the LP will be dependent on the amount of ZENT you decide to infuse. The amount of ETH required will be automatically calculated. You must have the required ETH amount in the same wallet (plus gas fees) to complete the transaction.

5. Click on the ‘Approve ZENT’ button. You will then need to confirm the transaction on your connected wallet.

6. Congratulations! Your ZENT tokens are now infused and you’ve started earning Fragments.

Note: Infuse ZENT today to earn 2x Fragments for the first month.

What happens when you unfuse ZENT?

Holders have the ability to unfuse their ZENT at any time. Users will receive 100% of their unfused ZENT tokens 14 days from the day of unfusing. However, unfusing your ZENT tokens will result in a proportional loss of your Fragments earned.

For example, a user infuses 1000 ZENT into the Vault and accumulates 100 Fragments. If this user decides to unfuse 500 ZENT tokens, they will lose 50% of the Fragments they accumulated, therefore resulting in 50 Fragments being burnt and permanently removed from their rewards.

What happens when you unfuse ZENT/ETH LP?

Holders also have the ability to unfuse their ZENT/ETH at any time, with no 14 days lock for unfusing your provided liquidity. However, unfusing your LP will result in the same proportional loss of your Fragments earned.

What happens to GF v2 Stakers?

For those currently staking GF tokens on GuildFi’s v2 staking platform, this process involves a straightforward, one-step transaction to migrate to the new Zentry infusion system. In order to do this, navigate to vault.zentry.com you will then see a modal popup.

The ‘Shards’ that you have earned so far on GuildFi, will migrate to Fragments automatically during the migration from GuildFi to Zentry staking.

For ZENT/ETH LP reward from staking v2, it will be automatically migrated to ZENT infusion.

The ratio of shards to fragment migration is ~100:1 ( 20% bonus )

This one-transaction, streamlined approach ensures that your staking experience remains seamless and efficient. We recommend GF v2 stakers to complete the migration as soon as possible to enjoy the benefits of infusing with ZENT.

Entering the Game of Games

Step into the Zentry universe, the heart of a multi-realms ecosystem, alive with constant flux and boundless potential. Here, challenges abound as we strive to maintain balance in a realm teetering on the edge of chaos and order. Yet, for the bold, these trials pave the way to unparalleled opportunities.

Plunge into a world brimming with thrilling events, where you can harvest precious Fragments, myriad Shards and countless valuable resources. Immerse yourself in Zentry: team up with allied partners, band together to vanquish world bosses, and unlock extraordinary rewards for everyone involved.

This is your moment, Zentarian. Choose your path, contribute to the Zentry universe, and help shape the multi-realms.

Remember, in Zentry, everyone has an essential role to play. We need you.

Arise, Zentarian.

