Bucuria — Rebranding Case

Mihai Avram
Zenzy lab
Published in
6 min readJun 29, 2023

Yesterday I developed an entire marketing campaign deck for Bucuria, a large candy manufacturer from Moldova, in less than 3 hours using Midjourney. I will explain step by step how I did it in the hope that this case can be used and re-applied by other similar companies and brands.

About Bucuria: Bucuria is the biggest candy manufacturer in Moldova and it has been created in 1946 when Moldova was still part of the Soviet Union. Bucuria became one of the most successful local brands and it still has a great reputation in most neighbouring countries such as Romania, Ukraine and Russia.

The idea: I started with something extremely simple. There is a Moldovan chocolate brand called “Meteorite” made by Bucuria (“Bucuria” translates as “Happiness” or “Joy”). I wanted to use MidJourney version 5.2 to make a chocolate box that has meteorite chunks instead of chocolates.

The original box of chocolate branding. You can see its name “Meteorit” (“Meteorite”) and the company logo “Bucuria” on the top left corner. The cover shows a bowl of chocolates that are have a nutty filling and flavour. They are presented as a delicacy to be served with some delicious cognac or brandy. This entails that their target audience is mature and refined. This has a lot to do with the Moldovan culture and the custom of bringing candy as gifts to people when visiting them. It is clear from the product design that this is not a product designed for children.

Then I tried to adjust this image by uploading it in Midjourney and having the engine adjust it as I needed (by putting flaming meteorite pieces inside of it). Unfortunately, this did not turn out so well.

As you can see, I used the parameter “- -iw 2” in order to make the engine use as much as it can from the source image. This parameter works in the following way : 2 is maximum and 0 is minimum, and “iw” refer to image weight. If I were to use “- -iw 0.5” the result would be an image that looks a lot less than the uploaded image and a lot more like the prompt provided.

The “- -s 1000” parameter refers to the level of detail that I want in my image. The maximum is 1000 and I almost always use the maximum value on this one because I prefer to generate detailed and realistic images that look nearly like photographs.

The “- -ar 16:9” parameter refers to the aspect ratio. Setting no aspect ratio would automatically result in a square shaped generated image.

My second trial was a Variation of one of the 4 generated images, however it was just as bad as the first one.

My third attempt started to yield some serious results. I decided to loose the reference image and go for image generation based solely on prompt. As you can see the prompt is extremely simple and in my experience the best generated images were generated with basic prompts. The meteorite candy looks authentic and almost reminds us of the Dragon Eggs from Game of Thrones. I decided to use the second one (U2 = Upscale the second image of the 4).

As you can see, result is quite great.

Then I used Midjourney’s new tool for zooming out 2x. This is ideal for giving more background and context to the object generated at first. Out of the four options, I chose the first one (U1).

Here is the last version of the photo.

Lastly, I saved the image and applied a transparent logo of “Bucuria” on the top left corner of the image. This is the end result.

Meteorite Candy by Bucuria. Ideal poster for a Social Media campaign. However, this could also be used to develop new candy products. I.e., a luxury brand of chocolates that are only sold in exquisite boxes with a special lighting installation.

I decided to use the same prompt in order to design AI versions of other famous types of Moldovan candy. I used the most popular ones. I will show some of the work in progress and then the end results.

Case 2: Little Crayfish Candy (“Răcușor”)

Original Packaging and Product

Case 3: Duchess Pear-flavoured candy (“Diușăs”) — I needed them to be pear shaped hinting at their pear flavour, but I wanted them to also retain the elegance of their ‘duchess’ name…

Original Packaging and Product

Case 4: Mask Candy (“Masca”)

Original Product and Packaging

Zoom out

Case 5: Night City (“Chișinăul de seară”)

Original Product and Packaging

Get ready. This one is really gonna blow your minds.

Other cases

Do-re-mi Candy reinvented
Red Poppy Flower Candy (“Macul Roșu”)
Hourglass Candy (“Clepsidra”)
Failed attempt (“Brândușa”)
Orange and Lemon Slices
This one looks perfect…
Coconut Candy
Little Red Riding Hood (“Scufița Roșie”)
Shepard’s treat (“Ciobănaș”

In the end, we posted nearly 20 photos and we also sent them to the Candy Manufacturer’s PR department. Hopefully we hear from them soon. As mentioned, Midjourney can be used either for creating attractive communication materials or for product development. Ideally, we’d want more AI-based product development because these treats look incredibly delicious.

Hope you enjoyed reading our article. Subscribe to our Zenzy lab Facebook page for more cases on how we use Midjourney and other AI tools in our daily work.

Bonus: Key visual and new Logo concept



Mihai Avram
Zenzy lab

Founder @zenzylab. Lover of SciFi, Absurdism, Nihilism and the Moldovan emotional cuisine.