How COVID-19 Impacts International Students Around the World

Published in
9 min readMar 24, 2020
Overview of travel restrictions imposed by selected countries, by dates of which events take effect. © Zept Inc 2020

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has brought chaos upon much of the world. Compared to many industries and sectors, higher education as a time-sensitive service remains up and operational. However, travel restrictions and changes to delivery methods have disrupted many students and instructors.

As a service for international students, we are concerned about how this affects the international student community. Here, we recap how the virus has so far affected international students in major study abroad destinations. This information is gathered from published news and statements, which are true at the dates published. The situation and adaptation measures continue to evolve everyday.

United States

US Border Restriction Measures timeline, © Zept Inc 2020

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School sessions: mid-January to mid-May (spring semester)

Semester Break: March 14 — March 22, mostly

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The United States imposed travel bans early in the crisis. While they do not affect international students earlier on, it started taking a hit over the spring break, when students who do not already face travel bans are free to visit home and vacation destinations such as Europe.

Just ahead of the spring break, when confirmed cases in the US surpassed a thousand to a total of 1323, schools started announcing strict measures one after another. Specifically, as of March 12 (one day before WHO names the outbreak a pandemic), over 80 U.S. institutions from 24 states [1] have cancelled or suspended classes amid concerns. Among the most stringent of these measures are the orders by primarily residential colleges like Harvard, which include asking that students move out.

This has left low income students and international students, who call the campus home, scrambling to find lodging in a matter of days. To add to the challenge, this is amidst a backdrop of countries closing borders and airlines cancelling flights. The lucky ones receive warm hospitality from Americans who opened their homes, but yet more are stranded in hotels, hostels and friends’ couches before they can get a flight home. Fortunately, students who face difficulty moving home can apply to stay on campus.

Spring classes recommence today after the break. What follows are midterms, assignments, summer internship hunts, and other school matters. To many students, the stress is overwhelming. In response, many colleges have adjusted their grading scheme to a pass/fail system for the term.

United Kingdom

UK Border Restriction Measures timeline, © Zept Inc 2020

The United Kingdom has not imposed border restriction measures related to the outbreak. As of this writing, the country is debating whether to join the European Union in closing borders to the Schengen bloc of countries.

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School sessions: mid-January to mid-March (spring term), mid-April to late June (summer term)

Term Break: between terms

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The UK has taken a softer approach to suppression of COVID-19. UK visa application centres are closed in many countries, including China. In addition, the UK university admission system relies on standardized exams such as IELTS, the english test that takes place throughout the year, and the iGCSE A-levels exams, which is due to be held in May and June, both of which have been suspended in many regions. This puts prospective and incoming international students in uncertainty because they cannot complete the requirements to conditional offers from UK universities.

For incoming international student visa applicants, extra time will be given for visa applicants who cannot complete required documents in time because of limited access to services like immigration medical test and English proficiency tests [2]. However, students who are due to arrive by date stipulated in approved study permit have to make a fresh application.

In addition, as the number of patients surge past 14,000 (14 thousand confirmed cases as of March 20), the authorities are taking action. As of March 20, all universities are expected to stop face-to-face delivery activities [3]. Luckily. According to UCSA [2], no compliance action will be taken against students or employees who are unable to attend their studies/work due to the coronavirus outbreak. Students who are leaving the country after announcement of the switch to online delivery should let their institution know to get advice on visa considerations. Those who need certification of fitness for air travel need to pay privately for a COVID-19 test, which costs around £400 [2].

Australia & New Zealand

Australia Border Restriction Measures timeline, © Zept Inc 2020

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School sessions: late Feb/early Mar — June

Semester Break: mid/late April

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International students in Australia might be the most hit by the pandemic until now. A few factors contribute to this:

Firstly, the COVID-19 outbreak in China occurred over the Chinese New Year break, which overlaps with the year-end break for most Australian universities and high school. Early in the outbreak, Australia imposed a travel ban for visitors seeking entry who have been in China in the past 14 days. This was initially in place for 14 days, but was extended 4 times into being in force until further notice.

International students thus were placed in a dilemma on whether to stay home and forfeit rent contracts signed, deposits paid, and belongings stowed in their lodgings. In a mutually benefiting move, universities sprang to help their international students to get on with the semester. University of Western Australia offers full refund of tuition for students who meet criteria [8], while University of Queensland invites students to stay in class over the cloud. Others like Australian National University and University of Melbourne offer support grants, up to A$5000 and A$7500 respectively [4], for international students who incur extra costs by transiting through a third country. Partly due to these measures, third of 106,000 students due to be stranded outside have arrived in Australia despite the ban [5].

Additionally, Australia is a continent can be accessed only by plane or ship. As the number of cases rise after the start of semester, students find themselves packing to go home as universities switch completely to online delivery of courses. The Australian government also announced complete border closure effective this past week. For international students, the reduced number of planes mean that the prices for air tickets are out of reach. They are again stranded.

Fortunately, some movements were initiated to provide some aid. For example, supermarkets have pledged more hours for international student employees, that go beyond 40 hours per week, so that the shelves are stocked and the students can afford a change in their plans. [6] As semester breaks roll around, another wave of student mobility may be observed.


Canada Border Restriction Measures timeline, © Zept Inc 2020

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School sessions: early-January to late-April

Spring Break: Feb 17–21, mostly

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Canada directed no travel ban to any risky country until March 18, when it closed the border altogether. Because most universities adapt the northern hemisphere semester-based academic calendars, students were not subject to huge impacts. In addition, although Canadian borders are closed, students with valid visa approved before March 18th are exempted from the travel restrictions [7].

However, by mid-March, situation in a few provinces were starting to resemble the initial growths that key outbreak countries initially exhibited. In swift moves, universities and colleges announced that classes are moved online. Campus buildings are subject to reduced hours access, and students are asked to move out of residences. Luckily, students with exceptional circumstances are allowed to apply to stay on campus.

Spring and summer breaks are around the corner, a time when most students in institutions all over Canada will not be attending classes. For incoming international students, challenges abound. For one, Canadian visa application centre in China were closed from late January. With the borders closed, visa processing also substantially decreased. Additionally, as situation continues to evolve, yet more application centre in countries like India and Pakistan may cease operating. The challenge might be just burgeoning.

This post is to give an overview of the impacts international students felt in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic across the world. Many more industries are harder hit, and many students’ friends and families are thrown under health or economic turmoil. In times like this, we hope that empathy prevails, and people will start take care of each other.

Links and Sources:

  1. 88 U.S. institutions have suspended or moved to online delivery as of March 12
  2. UCAS COVID-19 Info page
  3. UK universities expected to close amidst COVID19
  4. Australia let Chinese students circumvent travel ban
  5. Chinese student arrivals since travel ban started
  6. Supermarkets to increase hours for international student employees
  7. Canada update on exemptions to travel restrictions
  8. University of Western Australia offers refund for certain students disrupted

Links (Travel Restrictions):

  1. Australia Travel Ban of China
  2. US Travel Ban of China
  3. Australia Travel Ban of Iran
  4. US Travel Ban of Iran
  5. Australia Travel Ban of South Korea
  6. WHO names COVID-19 pandemic
  7. Australia travel ban of Italy
  8. Australia travel ban of Europe
  9. US Travel Ban of Europe
  10. US Travel Ban of UK & Ireland
  11. US, Mexico mutual border closing
  12. Canada borders closed with all nations (except USA)
  13. US, Canada mutual border closing



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Economics junkie learning to write. Named after a type of chemical process.