Thinking About Studying In Canada? Here Are Some Quick Facts About the Country

Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2018

Canada has the second largest landmass in the world covering a total area of 9.9 million square kilometres. It also has the world’s longest coastline at 243,791 km long. It touches the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

With a population of 35 million Canada has less people then the Tokyo metropolitan area. Its population density is about 3.7 people per square kilometre making it near the lowest in the world.

Canada has the largest source of freshwater and has more lakes than any other country. With more than 200,000 lakes Canada has about 20% of the world’s fresh water.

The Canadian boreal forest accounts for about one third of the the circumpolar boreal forest in the world. It covers about 60% of Canada’s land area and is considered to be the largest intact forest on the planet.

Canada shares a border with the United States making it the longest international border in the world.

The name Canada derives from an Iroquoian word that means Village or settlement.

Canada has two official languages, English and French. Of the provinces, Quebec is the most distinctively French province.

In the 1970’s the Government of Canada adopted a policy of multiculturalism making it now have a population that consists of people from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. It has one of the highest per capita immigration rates in the world.

Canada has one of the most educated populations in the world according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development with 53% of the adult population earning a tertiary education.

Close to 82% of the population lives in urban centres. The five most populous cities in Canada are Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton.

Canada is considered a safe and welcoming country. It has relatively low crime rates and a high standard of living.

Canada’s education system is highly regarded and it has consistently performed well in the world university rankings. Also according to OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment, Canada ranks 7th for education performance.

Canada has about 500,000 international students studying in it’s educational institutions.

Canada has one of the world’s most competitive offerings for international students. Many international students are able to work part time while going to school allowing them to subsidize their living expenses and students are able to obtain postgraduate work permits allowing them to enter the Canadian labour market after graduation.

The average cost of post secondary education in Canada for international students is about $25,500.00 CAN.

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