The 4 Most Effective Learning Strategies You May Not Know About

Sanja Milinkovic
Published in
5 min readMay 14, 2018

Are you a student who’s wondering what the best learning strategies are when it comes to taking a test or exam? Or are you simply interested in taking a class and unsure of how to go about the learning process? The best learning practices are easy to grasp and worth giving a try! Learning strategies for students differ based on the student and what is the least difficult method for him or her to fully understand to the point that learning is not a hassle.

Learning should be a fun experience, but we often forget this when we are bogged down with the stress and pressure of deadlines and high expectations of receiving exceptional grades. So how do students learn in such a way that the learning process is actually enjoyable and truly worth it? Read these five learning strategies for students to find out the best ways how to study.

Use your body parts to maintain information and remember material more easily.

As silly as this may sound, it could be the most effective learning strategy for you if you are a person who remembers information best by seeing it or hearing it. Use your hands to write down the facts. Use your eyes to read the facts (or visuals, too). Use your ears to listen to the material that you say aloud or that you listen to from a teacher or instructor’s mouth.

Whether it be writing on index cards, listening to lessons through your headphones or saying what you’ve been taught aloud, using your body parts while learning can be beneficial. This is because your senses affect your brain, therefore helping you keep the learning material fresh in your mind when the time comes to take an exam or recite what you have learned in front of a class.

Space out your study periods, manage your time better and do not rush the learning process.

Think that you learn or work best when under pressure? This may seem like a good idea to leave projects or assignments until last minute because then technically you are forced to do it and the work will definitely get done. But odds are that if you are crunched for time, you will not deliver your best work. The effort will not be seen by your teacher, or even by you.

If you manage your time better, you will realize that going over your work more and more will lead to success, which will make you feel proud of yourself! If you do not put your best effort into your work, doing the work is a waste of time. Space out your study periods and time to do projects and you’ll notice improved results and less stress.

Speaking of stress, does the idea of learning something new cause you anxiety? Sign up for “Hypnosis: Exam Anxiety Relief for College Students with Richard Heiny” on Zeqr. He’ll teach you all about how to avoid panic when studying and what to do when you are nervous about taking an exam.

Study with others who are in your class or studying the same subject as you to gain more knowledge.

Although you may be an independent studier, try to get together with a group before a test or after a lesson. You may think that you are better off alone, but the truth is that when you are in a group, you are learning different ideas and opinions. You may hear something that another person took from the lesson that you did not fully understand.

Another student could show you tricks that he or she knows that help. You can all bounce information off each other and get the most from a reading or a lesson. You may have missed a very important element that your group member caught onto and can now tell you. Studying alone could be better when it comes to focusing, but try to link up with others once in a while to gain different outlooks and possibly learn what you did not know before.

Take breaks when necessary to clear your mind, but do not stray far away from what you are doing

Similar to spacing out your study periods when you do your work and managing your time well, it is essential to take breaks so your brain is not lead to overload. If you are constantly staring at a book and focusing nonstop, your brain will begin to feel saturated and no longer comprehend the material. Take small breaks to eat nutritious snacks (like fruit) that will give you an energy boost and refresh your mind for when you return to the books.

Our advice is to NOT take part in anything too distracting while you take your break. You can become too distracted if you watch television or surf the Internet for entertainment, making it more difficult to get back into study mode. Take breaks so you can maintain what you are studying, but do not completely lose track in a way that it is too hard to get back into the right mindset.

While we are on the topic of being in the right mindset, if you are attempting to learn something new, that means you want to go in a different or more advantageous direction in your life. You are working towards a goal, which is extremely admirable!

If you know that you want to live a better life, but are unsure of which direction to go in, learn from Eugene Yiga in his class “Goal Setting: Part 1 of 3” on Zeqr. He will tell you how to take the knowledge you have learned and turn it into success. Sounds helpful, right?

Now you know four learning strategies that we find to be most effective. We hope that you try these out and that they are beneficial and lead to success. The learning process is not an easy one, and it can definitely feel discouraging at times when you are trying to grasp new information. But it’s important to know that you are more than capable of learning whatever you set your mind to. We believe in you, so believe in yourself!

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