Xpert Spotlight: Darren Wong, Hip-Hop Dancer

Stefan Djokic
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2018

My name is Darren. I am part of the dance crew the Kinjaz from NBC’s World of Dance and America’s Best Dance Crew (ABDC) Season 8, and I specialize in teaching basic Hip-Hop dance and Breakin’/Breakdancing.

My hobbies include teaching dance to people who have always wanted to get into dancing, playing with my 6-year-old Pembroke Welsh corgi, Yogi, listening to jazz while I edit dance tutorials or read a good book, going to the gym, and much more.

What is it that you’re offering to Zeqrs? What makes it stand out among other classes?

I offer Hip Hop dance lessons for beginners. Whether they are brand new to Hip Hop dance and have never taken a dance class or have some experience with taking Hip Hop classes but just can’t quite get the moves down or keep up, I can help them reach their dance goals.

Many of my students want to take a Hip-Hop dance class but are a little bit intimidated. They feel like they will look and feel foolish and not be able to keep up with the class. They would not be alone in this feeling. Taking a dance class can be very intimidating! Especially if it is their first time. The skill level of a “beginner’s” class can vary from dance studio to studio and you never know if you are getting a teacher who knows how to teach the way you personally learn. This is where I have come in to help my students.

Here is what they can expect from our lessons together…

  • Our lessons together are catered specifically toward their personal end goal and most importantly, we will go at their own pace and they will receive corrections specific to their movement.
  • They will learn the basic dance movements and techniques they need to know to build a strong dance foundation so learning choreography and freestyling become easier. They will also learn small combinations or drills utilizing each new movement or technique they learn so they can put into practice what they are learning and practice on their own
  • After our lesson, they receive a video tutorial of the movements they were taught so they can refer back to it in case they forget any details
  • They will also be able to send me a video of themselves executing the movement or combination anytime before our next lesson if they want to make sure they are practicing the move correctly or simply want feedback on their progress.

What are your thoughts on the vast growth of the e-learning ecosystem? Where do you see Zeqr in 2018?

E-learning is only going to grow more and more. Of course, an in-person learning experience can be very beneficial if not better in some cases but that would depend on if you have access to those types of environments.

E-learning is making it possible for people to learn from “experts” in their given field without having to worry if they are within distance to attend a class/workshop/speech etc. from them. It is making knowledge accessible and available worldwide.

Since Zeqr keeps a close eye on the quality of its Xperts, I believe Zeqr will continue to grow in 2018.

Unlike other platforms where people can say they are “gurus” or “experts”, I believe Zeqr sets itself apart as far as a trustworthy e-learning experience and platform goes.

Share with us a tip regarding your area of expertise (a unique & simple growth hack, something for startups, building self-confidence…):

Hip Hop dance, as well as any style of dance in general, has only a few basic movements/concepts you have to learn and understand to make yourself go from beginner to intermediate/advanced.

Those few basic movements/concepts make learning new movements, choreography, freestyle, etc. much easier because you have a strong foundation of the basic principles more “advanced” movements are built upon.

Learn your basics first and dance becomes much easier!

Join my class now and master the basics of Hip Hop Dance!

