5 Years at Zerion

Berit Weymers
3 min readDec 14, 2018
Fall 2013

This past year, I, along with my co- worker Penny Lau, celebrated our 5th year at Zerion Software. I can’t believe how quickly time has flown. I started with Zerion as an intern in June 2013 and was given the task to create training. I’ll never forget meeting with Ben Ray and Tony Ruth on my first day trying to learn all about iFormBuilder, this magical tool that helps so many. I remember attempting to wrap my head around the tool itself and feeling excited to start this new adventure.

Flash forward 5 years, and I am very happy to be a member of the Zerion family. As I shared excitedly with family that I had made this milestone, I was told multiple times how rare it is that Millennials reach 5 years at a company since they are known as the “job hopping generation.” I am happy to point out that I, along with Penny, do not fit into the stereotype. (Granted, I suppose I should say I am an older millennial and did have other jobs before this one.)

To correspond with the 5 years I’ve been at Zerion, here are the top 5 reasons I have continued to enjoy working here. I’ve created this list to hopefully help other millennials find a job that they enjoy and stick with so that we can prove the stereotype wrong. :)

5) Everyday is a new and exciting day.
One of my younger cousins asked me, “What made you want to stay working for this company, don’t you get bored?” Anyone who currently works for Zerion can tell you that our days are anything but boring. Working with software and especially working with our customers can be exciting and thrilling. No day is ever the same, I enjoy this.

4) Building something new.
When I started at Zerion, there wasn’t any official training for our internal team or our customers. This became my task, to create training. It sounded easy at first, but I quickly found that to build training, I had to fully understand our products offering and our customers. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be a successful trainer and our customers wouldn’t be successful. I jumped right in and haven’t looked back. I can now say we offer multiple types of training on-site and online, learning webinars, the Form Builder Certification course and Zerion Academy. I couldn’t have done this if Zerion hadn’t given me the flexibility to build something new. They allowed me to fail at times to then succeed.

3) Amazing Customers.
The Zerion iFormBuilder software attracts customers from all verticals. This allows our team to learn about engineering projects, International Relief surveys, maintenance reports and so much more. Luckily a lot of new customers require training and this is where I come in. With the opportunity to deliver training to our customers, I am able to work closely and learn about each project. I have thoroughly enjoyed working online or on-site with our kind and smart customers to help them build forms for inspecting labs, manholes or M&E surveys.

2) Challenging.
If working at Zerion was easy, I don’t think I would have made it the 5 years. There is something exciting about always needing to learn something new or to solve new problems that arise.

1) Zerion Family.

It’s important to respect others strengths and opinions. I believe this is needed to be successful as a team. I wouldn’t have been able to achieve much of what I have done and continue to do if it weren’t for the team effort approach. I definitely wouldn’t have made it the 5 years without the amazing people I work with.

Here is to 5 more years!

