End-to-End Functionality: What it Means for You

Nicholas Marsilio
2 min readMay 30, 2018

End- to- End functionality is a term that, if you were to ask a simple user of technology, he or she would probably not be able to explain what it is and or what it’s benefits might be.

To begin, defining the term would probably be beneficial. End-to-End functionality is when an application performs specific tasks from start to finish, it is demonstrated through specific end-to-end testing, which helps identify system dependencies and to ensure that the right information is being passed between various system components toward an end goal.

With that defined the benefits become quite apparent. Testing is needed to insure that the technology is constantly working for the typical user and there is no issue not accounted for. Your team would see the benefit as any scenario could be identified, tested and recorded keeping the application working.

In terms of iFormBuilder, the team in charge of creating the forms would be able to account for any possibility users could run into that would crash the form or create a never ending loop of data entry. By proactively creating these scenarios or tests you can save money and time that could be wasted on dealing with issues while in the field.

Which leads us to end-to end functionality, which ensures that your team can work with a single mobile application to perform desired tasks from start to finish. For iFormBuilder and the rest of the Zerion products, this means creating flexible forms, collecting data, analyzing and processing that data and creating custom reports that are easy to visualize and works with. The functionality your team needs to make better decisions is all available in a single solution that integrates with other necessary tools for the best possible outcome and use of data.

What could end-to-end functionality mean for your team, especially when it is well-tested and useful for daily operations? How could it improve processes? Let’s talk.

