FAQ: ZeroCarbon token rewards

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
2 min readJan 21, 2019

Zero Carbon Project offers ZeroCarbon token rewards to our customers for contributing towards tackling climate change and for supporting our Project. Rewards are based on the calculations outlined below.

ZeroCarbon token (ZCC) rewards for household switching

1. 10 ZCCs for registration on our consumer portal

2. 30 ZCCs for completing first transaction on our Zero Carbon Market

3. 1 ZCC usage reward for each 100 kWh of energy consumption

4. 3 ZCC referral reward for each 100 kWh of energy consumed if introduced from another customer using their referral code

5. The introducing customer also earns a 3 ZCC referral reward

6. A typical household using 5,000 kWh of electricity could earn 240 ZCC tokens (10+30+50+3x50) and the introducer could earn 150 ZCCs (3x50)

ZeroCarbon token reward reductions after 2019

Passive income can be earned as the ZeroCarbon token rewards will be ongoing for the consumer and the referring customer, as long as the consumer continues to renew across the Zero Carbon Market.

  1. The usage reward will reduce by 20% each year. So in year 2 1 ZCC will require 120 kWh of consumption.
  2. The referral reward multiple will also reduce by 20% each year. In year 2, the referral reward multiple will be 2.4x the usage reward.

Rewards will be reduced each year because we expect the cost of renewables to fall. Also we aim for the price of ZeroCarbon tokens to rise by increasing demand for our services.

ZeroCarbon token rewards for carbon offsetting

  1. 10 ZCC offsetting reward for each 1 tonne of carbon offset
  2. 30 ZCC referral reward for each 1 tonne of carbon offset if referred from another customer
  3. The introducing customer also earns a 30 ZCC referral reward

ZeroCarbon token rewards for business switching

  1. 1 ZCC usage reward for each 100 kWh of energy consumption per 1c/kWh transaction fee. So if transaction fee is 0.1c/kWh then 0.1 ZCC/100 kWh.
  2. The introducing customer earns 6 ZCC referral reward for each 100 kWh of energy consumed per 1c/kWh if referred from another customer.

Join the Zero Carbon Project revolution

To register with Zero Carbon Project to earn income in return for helping tackle climate change, click on this link to ensure you receive your referral reward bonus https://market.zerocarbonproject.com/register/tEOmK55D


You can view and join @ZeroCarbonProject right away.t.me

