Ionbond, a major UK engineering manufacturer, uses Zero Carbon Market to save money while switching to zero carbon energy

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
2 min readFeb 7, 2019

Ionbond switched from fossil fuel electricity using Zero Carbon Market’s business auction facility. They switched their energy supply to Orsted who are the Danish energy company and the largest offshore wind company in the world.

Ionbond sources electricity from Orsted’s offshore wind farm

In addition to securing cheaper price than the most competitive fossil fuel electricity prices on offer, Ionbond will source their electricity from offshore wind to reduce their CO2 emissions by 491 tonnes/year. This is equivalent to eliminating emissions from 386 households.

Ionbond is an innovative company providing coatings for a number of applications for industrial manufacturing as well as for mechanical components used in many products.

Boost to ZeroCarbon Token economy

This latest Zero Carbon Project customer and transaction provides our Zero Carbon (ZCC) token economy with a fresh injection of funds from settlement of the transaction fee. ZeroCarbon tokens will need to be bought across IDEX using ether. This will provide the demand and liquidity for ZCC token owners to cash out if they desire.

The fees will be paid into the transaction fee smart contract which will trustlessly recycle up to 70% back into the reward pool smart contract to reward customers for future contributions.

Competing with Bitcoin

Our token economy will strengthen as we attract more customers. Our ultimate aim is for our Zero Carbon token economy to provide an alternative crypto-currency to Bitcoin. ZeroCarbon Coin will have the edge as it is backed by zero carbon energy usage, globally decentralised.

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