Wishing our ZeroCarbon community a merry Christmas and a carbon free New Year

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
2 min readDec 13, 2018

Best wishes to our global multi-cultural Zero Carbon community over the coming Christmas. For me it’s a great time to celebrate community and cultural diversity.

Supporting switches to zero carbon energy

The team at Zero Carbon Project remain available over Christmas to respond to your enquiries and to support customers switching to zero carbon energy. What a great new year’s resolution!

We will be shifting down a gear on business development to spend time with family and friends. We are looking forward to the opportunity to recharge batteries after a challenging year and ahead of exciting plans for the new year.

Exciting new year plans

We plan to start the new year with a focus on building our customer base by converting a healthy pipeline of business energy consumers.

In addition, we plan to add new market facilities to our Zero Carbon Market including a revamped easier-to-use business energy auctions, a global carbon offset market and a zero carbon store for our business customers who have switched to zero carbon energy.

We also plan to enhance the new customer journey experience with a smoother process and more compelling steps for registration and switching, along with refocusing the website from selling tokens to attracting customers. In addition, we plan to automate more steps in our back office to support scaling of operations, ahead of the rush of energy consumers wanting to help tackle climate change.

Finally, we will be continuing to transition our ZeroCarbon token economy smart contracts to be more trustless, in line with our vision: a decentralised autonomous organisation; and an innovative crypto currency underpinned by demand for zero carbon energy usage.

Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year, from the Zero Carbon Project team.

Join the Zero Carbon Project

To register with Zero Carbon Project and earn income for helping tackle climate change click on this link to ensure you receive your referral reward bonus https://market.zerocarbonproject.com/register/tEOmK55D



