ZCP Update 19th September — Bits & Tokens Interview, CryptoCompare Listing, and More Awards

Darren Moore
Zero Carbon Project
3 min readSep 20, 2018


It’s another positive week for Zero Carbon Project as we’ve been shortlisted for an innovation award in the UK energy industry and we received more recognition of our Project’s quality with a token listing on CryptoCompare. We’ve also got our interview with Bits and Tokens which explains the ethos behind Zero Carbon Project and our plan for leading the World in green energy adoption.

Zero Carbon Project Interview with Bits and Tokens

Find out about the ethos behind the creation of the Zero Carbon Project and how our Ethereum based utility tokens are best placed to create a global tradable system for rewarding energy consumers for reducing their Carbon footprint. Watch Annalese from Bits and Tokens as she gets to the heart of our token and our motivation for its creation.

Interview with Bits and Tokens

Zero Carbon has been shortlisted as an Energy Awards finalist

Zero Carbon Project has been recognised by the serious end of the UK energy markets as a notable market innovation. The Energy Awards are attended by some of the most senior operators in the energy market both in London and internationally.

In addition to reaching finalist stage for innovation, Zero Carbon’s parent, Beond, has again reached the finals for best energy consultancy. Beond has won this award twice in the last three years.

Energy Awards 18 Listing

Zero Carbon Project is now on CryptoCompare

CryptoCompare is one of the leading interactive platforms where you can discuss the latest Crypto trends and monitor all markets streaming in real time. The listing of Zero Carbon Project on CrytoCompare is a great reinforcement of our credibility as we move towards roll-out in October.

CryptoCompare Listing

Hurricane Florence is a sign of Climate Change

Given that Hurricane Florence is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the Carolinas and extreme weather events are being driven by the extreme temperatures that we’ve seen across the world this summer, this record-breaking hurricane is a sign of things to come. USA Today makes the case for the requirement to adopt clean, green energy sources across the World to mitigate the risks and effects of climate change. This article makes the case for innovation in the energy markets to encourage adoption of these green energy projects — which is exactly where Zero Carbon Project comes in.

Hurricane Florence

Join our community to learn more

White paper www.zerocarbonproject.com/white-paper
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Medium: https://medium.com/zero-carbon-project
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zero-Carbon-Project-1994928630745331/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zerocarbonproject/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCILwm1XKqdCe507-x3cUArA
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroCarbonProject/

