Zero Carbon customers earn generous rewards as early adopters in pre-launch trial

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
5 min readSep 18, 2018

Our pre-launch Zero Carbon Market trial, ahead of next month’s launch, involved three household electricity consumers switching suppliers across our Market. They achieved their aims of contributing to tackling climate change by switching from fossil fuels, while reducing their energy costs and earning meaningful crypto rewards.

The rewards they earned were much higher than any rebates or reward points on offer from energy suppliers. The token rewards were equivalent to up to three months of electricity cost. One of the new customers stated that they were intending to ‘spread-the-word’ to contribute to further carbon emissions reductions and to be rewarded for doing so by earning referral bonus rewards. He is aiming to cover his own full years electricity costs, while also helping his ‘friends and family’ by saving them money and earning them the same bonus rewards.

Congratulations to Bulb, Co-Op Energy and Energy Locals on winning the first energy supply deals during our pre-launch trials

Congratulations for winning our first three energy supply deals

Zero Carbon token rewards

Paul earned extra bonus rewards for referring the two other early adopter customers. These new consumers included Aamir and Jane (all names anonymised), who earned the same bonus rewards as the introducer, Paul. They earned 240 tokens for the following rewards:

1. 10 tokens for registering

2. 30 tokens for their first purchase

3. 50 tokens for consuming zero carbon energy at 5,000 kWh/year and 1 token / 100 kWh consumed

4. A bonus reward of 150 based on a multiplier of 3x for being referred by an existing customer.

In addition to these rewards, Paul earned an extra 300 bonus rewards for introducing Aamir and Jane, for a total of 540 tokens earned in year 1. In subsequent years, Paul will continue to earn rewards for his consumption and for continued consumption from his introduced customers, but at a decreasing rate. Every additional referral will earn Paul an additional 150 tokens in year 1 and subsequent years, at a decreasing rate.

From the market trial results described below, three energy suppliers have to pay a total of USD150 of transaction fee in Energis tokens for these three purchases. Zero Carbon Project is selling these tokens to suppliers at USD0.50 to provide some liquidity to the crypto exchange. Therefore, the energy suppliers need to purchase 300 tokens at USD0.50 in order to pay the USD150 transaction fees.

If Paul decides to sell his 540 tokens and can secure the same USD0.50 price level at which Zero Carbon Project is initially selling, he could convert his rewards to USD270 which is equivalent to almost three months of his electricity spend. Paul is aiming to refer 9 more consumers in order to cover his full year’s electricity costs, if he is able to sell the tokens at this same price.

Competitive prices achieved from different zero energy technology sources

Paul switched to Bulb Energy in the UK. They offered the cheapest zero carbon energy across our Market and a saving compared to Paul’s current supply contract. Bulb source their electricity from 100% renewable sources such as Llyn Brenig Hydro in North Wales . They source 10% of their gas from renewables sources and the Zero Carbon Market makes the remaining 90% ‘carbon neutral’ by purchasing and surrending carbon credits to offset the carbon emissions.

Aamir switched to Co-Op Energy in the UK. Their offer was £983/year which was £156 cheaper than his current supply contract. Interestingly Aamir decided to pay £36/year more than the best zero carbon energy offer as Aamir trusted the Co-Op brand and services. Aamir also compared this to the best offer on uSwitch, a competing market leading comparison and switching site, whose best green deal was £19/year more expensive than the Zero Carbon Market.

Co-Op has the following to say about their zero carbon offering at :

“At Co-operative Energy, we focus on helping and encouraging community owned generation sites; currently over 60% of our PPAs are set up with community sites. We can set up a PPA with a range of technology types, such as Hydro, Solar, Wind and Anaerobic Digestion.

We have a number of PPAs currently in place and by having these, it assists with enabling us to offer our customers the option of choosing to be on a “Green Pioneer Tariff” and contribute to a green environment. We are always trying to increase our renewable energy source so we can offer green solutions for our electricity customers.

Co-operative Energy does not just only purchase renewable electricity, but also supports and promotes local schemes and co-operatives. An example of one of these inspiring initiatives is Energy Local which allows generation sites to provide its local neighbours with cheaper energy alternatives. See this video of the Energy Local initiative based in Bethesda.”

Meanwhile, in Australia, Jane switched to Energy Locals who were providing the most competitive electricity compared to both renewable energy offers and fossil fuels. Jane decided to switch to Energy Locals, who achieved such a competitive price through astute wholesale electricity pricing and fully offsetting their carbon emissions with international carbon credits. See more about their zero carbon technology source at

Zero Carbon Market Launch Progress

We are progressing well, quickly moving towards our October launch with the following four software mini-projects developing towards completion:

1. Token economy smart contracts deployment

2. User access management system allowing single Market login for all market applications

3. User interface for household comparison and switching system

4. User interface for business energy auction system

In addition, we are working on improvements to our business plan and Whitepaper, incorporating market innovations responding to difficult crypto market conditions. This involves improvements to our fund-raising structure, our token economy, consumer rewards and roadmap. Details will be announced soon.

