Zero Carbon Market launch breaks through 1,000 customers milestone

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
2 min readNov 15, 2018

Zero Carbon Project are pleased to announce reaching a launch milestone of attracting 1,000 customers. This was achieved within three weeks of launching our UK Zero Carbon Market and deploying our token economy smart contracts to the blockchain.

The Zero Carbon Market allows customers to switch to zero carbon energy to help tackle climate change, while saving money from lower prices.

In addition, customers earn generous ZeroCarbon token rewards for their contribution to reducing carbon emissions; spreading the word using our referrals programme; and as early adopters of our Market.

Our next steps

Over the next several months we will continue to improve our Zero Carbon Market software and token economy smart contracts:

  1. Streamlining the Business Market to provide a smoother process
  2. Developing the Australian Household Market with a pragmatic and innovative interim solution
  3. Carbon Market for customers anywhere in the world to offset their carbon emissions were they are unable to switch to zero carbon energy
  4. Adding features to our UK Household Market including automatic switching, energy supplier customer service ratings and technology source transparency
  5. Further decentralising our token economy with smart contract innovations

Join the Zero Carbon Project

To register with Zero Carbon Project and earn income for helping tackle climate change click on this link to ensure you receive your referral reward bonus

