Zero Carbon Project goes global with Carbon Offsets Market launch

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
3 min readFeb 5, 2019

Zero Carbon community can now earn rewards for contributing to tackling climate change, wherever they live in the world, by purchasing carbon emission offsets across the Zero Carbon Market.

This Offsets facility extends on the existing Market which allows energy consumers in UK and Australia to switch to zero carbon energy, while saving money compared to fossil fuels.

Zero Carbon Project consists of the Zero Carbon Market and the Token economy

Zero Carbon Offsets Market launch

The new Zero Carbon Offsets Market allows our global community to contribute towards tackling climate change and earn ZeroCarbon token rewards, by purchasing ZeroCarbon Offsets. The Offsets are CERs (Certified Emissions Reductions) and they are backed by the United Nations supported by an official UNFCCC certificate emailed to your inbox.

Earn ZeroCarbon token rewards by contributing to the social good

ZeroCarbon (ZCC) tokens are earned by the carbon off-setter and also by the introducing customer. 10 ZCCs are earned by the off-setter for each ZeroCarbon Offset (equivalent to a tonne of carbon dioxide emissions) purchased.

If the off-setter was referred by another customer, then the off-setter earns an additional referral bonus equal to 30 ZCCs or 3x the base reward. The introducer also earns this referral reward.

We reward introducers generously for contributing to tackling climate change by spreading the word to friends and family, or through social media campaigning.

How to access the Offset Market

Once you have registered at you will gain access to the Zero Carbon Market consumer portal. This portal includes access to the energy switching markets and to the offsets market. You will also see your available Zero Carbon tokens and your referrals pipeline. Click on the Offsets Market to purchase carbon offsets.

Pay for carbon offsets using crypto

We are developing a crypto payments facility to receive bitcoin, ether or ZCC tokens. In the interim, we have set up a Paypal facility to purchase ZeroCarbon Offsets for USD15.00. Offsets have been priced to cover the costs of the CER and the ZCC token rewards.

Integration with the Zero Carbon token economy

Payments received for Offsets will be converted to ZCC tokens and paid into our transaction fees smart contract. Up to 70% of these ZCC fees will be recycled to top up the Reward Pool to reward our communities’ contributions towards tackling climate change.

As our community grows, more switches to zero carbon energy and more purchases of zero carbon offsets, will increase demand for ZCC tokens. ZCC tokens can be purchased across IDEX crypto exchange.

Maintaining a tight demand and supply equilibrium

Our token economy smart contracts maintain a tight demand and supply equilibrium as increasing customer base results in increasing demand for ZCC tokens. Token supply increases to satisfy this rising demand as our community members receive their ZCC token rewards for contributing to tackling climate change.

Join the Zero Carbon Project revolution

Register with Zero Carbon Project to earn income for contributing to tackling climate change.

Click here to register with a referral code to ensure you receive your referral reward bonuses:

Visit us at

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