Zero Carbon Project improves reward scheme from trial period insights

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
2 min readNov 7, 2018

Zero Carbon Project has improved its reward scheme to increase the value received by consumers and to reduce risks.

We are reducing the managed price at which Zero Carbon Project is selling ZeroCarbon tokens to energy suppliers. The reason is to reduce the risks of tokens being dumped once the supply increases after the public token sale. We are reducing the current managed offer price on EtherDelta from USD0.50 to USD0.30

Existing and future consumers will be compensated with higher reward value by an increase in the volume of rewards they will receive, from 490 tokens worth £181, up to 900 tokens worth £200.

These new token rewards are based on:

  1. Normal consumption rewards of 50 tokens based on 1 token for 100kWh consumed (assuming typical household of 5,000 kWh/year);
  2. Launch trial reward of 150 tokens based 3x normal consumption reward;
  3. Referral bonus reward of 600 tokens based on 3x consumption rewards;
  4. First purchase reward of 90 tokens based on 3x normal first purchase reward;
  5. Registration reward of 10 tokens.
  6. USD0.30 token price and USD/GBP exchange rate of 1.35

Token referral rewards for introducers will increase to 800 tokens worth £178 at USD0.30; up from 450 tokens worth £167 at USD0.50

Token rewards can be earned in subsequent years as long as consumers continue to renew across the Zero Carbon Markets.

To register with Zero Carbon Project to earn income for helping tackle climate change click on this link to ensure you receive your referral reward bonus

