Zero Carbon Project is delighted to launch UK Market today

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
2 min readOct 25, 2018

After many months of anticipation and hard work, we are delighted to launch the UK Zero Carbon Market today. Consumers can now access our Market to help tackle climate change by switching to zero carbon energy, while reducing their energy costs and earning ZeroCarbon token rewards.

SpaceX launch

We completed implementation of our Market software and deployed our token economy smart contracts to the blockchain. 32 UK energy suppliers are now competing with each other to win new customer’s business.

The main innovation we bring to the energy markets is using ZeroCarbon tokens as rewards to mobilise consumers to contribute to tackle climate change in mass. The ZeroCarbon token value is backed by a cleverly designed token economy which is underpinned by a requirement for energy suppliers to use ZeroCarbon tokens to pay their transaction fees.

To promote our launch campaign and reward early adopter customers, we have tripled consumption rewards. A typical energy household consumer can earn 490 ZeroCarbon tokens per year (about £181 at our current managed market price) from their own switch and a further 450 tokens(£167) from each new customer they refer. These values are based on Zero Carbon Project’s current managed market price, which may rise or fall over time, depending on global customer adoption.

In order to gain the full rewards available, please register with the Zero Carbon Market using the following link:

Thanks in anticipation of your contribution to helping us tackle climate change.

