Zero Carbon Project Makes an Immediate Impact on Climate Change

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
3 min readMay 24, 2019

Zero Carbon Project are delighted to announce the avoidance of 440 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions by community members switching consumption to zero carbon energy. Congratulations to our Zero Carbon community for contributing to an immediate impact on tackling climate change. This has been achieved since launching the Zero Carbon Markets and Zero Carbon Token Economy in October 2018.

Zero Carbon Project Solution

Households and businesses equivalent to about 440 households, have used Zero Carbon Markets to help tackle climate change by switching to zero carbon energy. Together we achieved the avoidance of 440 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, 2.05 tonnes of ZeroCarbon Offsets have been purchased and surrendered.

These moderate volumes are useful for trialling of our services which provides us with an opportunity to improve them with more services and for scaling. We will continue operating in trial mode with beta systems, without any investing in marketing until we can raise funds.

Zero Carbon Token Economy activity

This switching activity has resulted in community members earning 180,000 ZeroCarbon token (ZCC) rewards for contributing to tackling climate change. This includes 50,000 ZCC rewards for zero cabon energy consumption and 130,000 ZCC rewards for spreading the word through referrals.

Energy consumers rewards are held in their ZeroCarbon Wallet until they choose to withdraw them to their own blockchain wallet. In response to these withdrawals, Zero Carbon Project has distributed 1,200 ZCC tokens from our reward pool smart contract 0x200Dcdd8bf9D8429569281c9C46bD120C53dDBa4

Zero Carbon Token Economy has earned 63,000 ZCCs into its transaction fees smart contract 0x9D79C6e2A0222b9AC7bFAbC447209C58fe9E0DcC. In addition, Zero Carbon Project is contracted to receive a further 107,000 ZCC in transaction fees quarterly in arrears from completed transactions.

IDEX trading activity

This transaction activity has generated the following trading activity across IDEX

Buyers have bought 47,000 ZCC tokens across IDEX in order to pay the transaction fees required to participate in Zero Carbon Markets. In addition, 16,000 were purchased across Etherdelta, which was used before we secured a listing on IDEX.

These requirements for ZCC tokens are mainly satisfied by Zero Carbon Project’s sales from their liquidity reserve which is set up in a multi-sig smart contract 0xc22ac7cb867e3bd164abca71e04e675fc95cea99.

Note that we provide this information for the purposes of full transparency as we are currently effectively managing most of the transactions across IDEX. We are initially purchasing ZCC tokens on behalf of energy suppliers because we provide them with our conversion facility, which involves the following steps:

1. Energy suppliers paying us GBP,

2. ZCP then converts GBP into ether across Coinbase,

3. ZCP then convert ether to ZCC tokens and

4. ZCP then transfers ZCC into the Token Economy transaction fee smart contract.

In addition, Zero Carbon Project is a seller of ZCCs from their liquidity reserve. ZCP are currently offering ZCCs at USD0.30

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