Zero Carbon Project tripling rewards for post-launch trial period

Derek Myers
Zero Carbon Project
6 min readOct 28, 2018

Join Zero Carbon Project to save money and earn rewards for helping tackle climate change.

Zero Carbon Project is tripling consumption rewards for our earliest customers for the period of our live post-launch trial period. This is to attract initial interest but also as a reward for helping us with any teething problems experienced.

How do I benefit from buying through ZeroCarbon Markets?

You can reduce your energy costs and earn valuable crypto rewards for helping tackling climate change. As you should, for your valuable contribution to the future health of our planet!

Zero Carbon Market should deliver you lower cost energy compared to your existing fossil fuel supply. The comparison analysis provided by our Market uses the UK energy market regulator, Ofgem’s, approved algorithms.

Do ZeroCarbon token rewards make switching worth my while?

In addition to these cost savings, to really make it worth your while, the Zero Carbon Project rewards consumers with ZeroCarbon tokens for helping tackle climate change.

For example, a typical household consumer spending £1,000 could earn tokens worth £181 at current managed market prices. The end of this article provides an explanation of why ZeroCarbon tokens are valuable along with the maths.

You can earn additional token rewards by helping us spread the word using our easy-to-use referrals programme, either by old fashioned word-of-mouth or by social media campaigning. These bonus reward tokens could be worth up to an additional £167/year for each referral. This reward could continue each year in perpetuity as long as the new customers continue to use the Zero Carbon Market. The new customer referred by you will also earn this same bonus reward.

Using these assumptions, during the launch trial, a Zero Carbon consumer could earn enough ZeroCarbon token rewards to cover their electricity costs, by referring 4 new customers during the trial period. 85 new customer referrals could produce an ongoing basic income equivalent to UK’s minimum income. Rather than hiring internal sales staff and paying for advertising, we would prefer our consumer community members to benefit.

Note that these reward valuations are based on the ZeroCarbon token’s current ‘managed’ market price of US$0.50. It’s a ‘managed’ market price because Zero Carbon Project is initially controlling the buyers activities and the sale of tokens. This market making activity will wind down as energy suppliers, energy consumers and token owners engage directly with the crypto exchanges to buy and sell ZeroCarbon tokens.

How to purchase zero carbon energy

You can access the Zero Carbon Market from our home page at and click the Access Market button. You will then be asked to register.

Make sure that you register with an introducer’s referral code, to ensure you receive your share of a generous reward bonus multiplier. This is currently set at 6x consumption reward, which is shared with your introducer. If you don’t know any existing Zero Carbon customers to share a referral bonus reward you can use this link to share with the Zero Carbon Project

Once you have registered you will enter the customer portal. This provides a wallet facility to monitor and manage your ZeroCarbon tokens. It also provides a facility to manage your referrals rewards pipeline. From this portal, you can access the Household Market. Follow the steps to compare the market, to switch to zero carbon energy, in order to save money and earn your rewards.

Why the ZeroCarbon token rewards are valuable

The rewards programme has been designed for potency in order to provide a catalyst for changing consumers’ energy purchasing behaviour. Surveys suggest that 70% of energy consumers don’t use comparison and switching sites even though they can save money. The energy cost savings are not enough for them to prioritize the effort involved in switching.

Traditional loyalty rewards don’t cut it. Our rewards have been designed to pack a punch. We have designed a utility token and supporting token economy to capture the value of the utility received by customers from the service that our Market provides.

The ZeroCarbon token rewards are more similar to equity in a new business enterprise. However tokens are easier to manage, they avoid equity ownership regulations. Also tokens are much more liquid than equity as they can be easily traded globally at any time, across distributed crypto exchanges, as the tokens and exchanges are all based on ERC-20 ethereum software standards.

ZeroCarbon token economy

The ZeroCarbon token economy is underpinned by:

  1. The underlying utility value to consumers from cost savings, from contributing to climate change and to energy suppliers by acquiring new customers; and
  2. Energy suppliers requirement to purchase ZeroCarbon tokens, in order to pay their transaction fees. These fees are charged to energy suppliers for winning consumer business across our Market.

Energy suppliers can purchase our ZeroCarbon tokens across EtherDelta, a decentralised crypto exchange

The Zero Carbon Project is initially managing this market by purchasing the tokens on behalf of the energy suppliers. Zero Carbon Project is also selling the tokens from their own account, until consumers start selling their ZeroCarbon tokens earned through rewards.

Energy suppliers then use these ZeroCarbon tokens to pay their transaction fees into our transaction fees smart contract. This smart contract then recycles up to 70% of these fees to top-up the consumer rewards smart contract. This reward pool was initially staked with 61% of the Project’s total ZeroCarbon tokens.

We have 32 energy suppliers lined up and competing for business across our Market in the UK.

We have designed the token economy so that the demand for ZeroCarbon tokens is greater than the supply of tokens. This is in contrast to ICOs which have created a massive over-supply of tokens and no demand for the utility behind their tokens because they typically have no customers, no services and no software.

An anti-pump and dump mechanism has been built into our token economy. For example in an extreme scenario where some-one dumps ZeroCarbon tokens at US$0.01, then the transaction fees increases from 100 ZeroCarbon tokens at US$0.50 token price, to 5,000 ZeroCarbon tokens at the dumped US$0.01 token price. These tokens from the transaction fees are removed from circulation as up to 70% of them are recycled into the consumer reward pool.

In addition, we have designed a token burn into our token economy to maintain a tight circulating supply. Once the Project starts earning token profits, 25% of these will be burned to add value to token holders’ remaining ZeroCarbon tokens.

Finally, our vision is to compete as a global digital currency which will be required to interact with a wide range of smart contracts. We aim to transition ZeroCarbon tokens into a global digital currency with its own blockchain and decentralised stable coins. ZeroCarbon Coins will compete well with bitcoin as ZCCs will be backed by global energy consumption.

Token reward maths

During our launch trial, we are offering to triple the rewards to consumers for zero carbon energy consumption.

A customer could earn £181/year or 490 ZeroCarbon tokens in the first year. This includes a once-off 10 tokens from registration and 30 from the first purchase. In addition, a customers with a typical household will earn 50 tokens from consuming a typical 5,000 kWh, based on rate of 1 token for 100 kWh consumed.

The triple launch trial bonus is then applied to consumption for an extra 100 tokens. A further triple referral multiple bonus is then applied for 300 more ZeroCarbon tokens. These ZeroCarbon token rewards could be worth US$245 if sold at the current US$0.50 managed market price, or £181 at the 1.35 USD/GBP exchange rate.

In addition to earnings for consumption, this customer could earn additional bonus rewards for referring new customers equivalent to 3x the consumption of the new consumer. This could create an income stream of £167/year for each new referred customer, or 450 ZeroCarbon tokens in the first year. These referral rewards will continue as long as the new customer continues to renew across our Market.

Zero Carbon Project is initially managing this managed market price until liquidity develops directly. The ZeroCarbon token price may rise with increased customers and utility; or the price may fall if customer and utility growth do not match expectations.




