Are You Brave Enough To Innovate
Are you brave enough to innovate?
Dropbike is a new bike sharing service that recently debuted in Toronto and I believe it has huge potential to yet again change the way we live and commute in major metropolises.
Unlike most traditional bike share services, Dropbike does not require the bikes to be returned to docking stations. True to the sharing economy that has been driven by companies like AirBnB, as Dropbike puts it “Find them across your Ccity, and leave them almost anywhere you can leave your own bike.”
I don’t know the team behind Dropbike but to me it seems like this is the type of idea that comes about from a bunch of annoyed yet courageous users of a current imperfect product or service.
Isnʼt that part of what innovation is all about? The curiosity to ask the most obvious/annoying questions regardless of who’s in the room and then having the guts to go and try something different out.
Complaining Is Easy — Innovation Is Brave
Complaining about things is easy. Whatʼs next? Settling, ignoring and work-arounds. Why? Few like to take the risk that comes with new ideas. Few are comfortable with the potential feeling of embarrassment if it doesn’t work out.
But, when you are brave enough to act, that is true innovation.
No complicated algorithms, no complicated science — just being daring enough to put ideas into action of some form — that’s all we need to start!
My personal aspirational idea? To eliminate the need for cities to have traffic lights in Cities.
Whatʼs yours?
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Sansom Lee is Chief Scientist and a founding member of Zero Gravity Labs.
Connect with Sansom or any member of our team (we are hiring) by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.