A Singular Illusion

Jonathan Langdale
Zero Hour
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2014


Illusory black hole singularities can exist in an imaginary way, if ER=EPR wormholes are real. This naturally suggests a null spherical volume were enough entangled pairs of rest-mass to be symmetrically arranged at the sphere’s surface.

Another way of describing a singularity may be to imagine an array of maximally entangled black hole pairs spherically arranged at some perfectly equal radius about a central empty point. Pairs of maximally entangled black holes arranged in such a way would create Einstein-Rosen bridges, all of which would intersect through this supposed singularity point.

Here, you are to imagine that each pair of dots are two maximally entangled (unobserved) pairs of black holes that were formed from the equal halves of a single parent black hole’s evaporation products. According to the ER=EPR theory (Susskind/Maldacena), you should get wormholes between each pair were they to be arranged in a spherical symmetry. However, these wormholes (red lines) would have zero length. So the pairs of entangled black holes could be at any radius smaller than the event horizon while the volume was null. If these red lines were wormholes, then they would have zero length, making the volume of this sphere meaningless. All you would have would be the surface area of the sphere with no volume, and no singularity.

The way you might get two maximally entangled black holes is by taking a fully evaporated black hole and somehow forming two black holes out of equal parts of this Hawking radiation. The likelihood of this occurring seem to be higher the smaller you make your maximally entangled black holes.

This spherical arrangement of entangled black hole pairs can be at any radius smaller than or equal to the event horizon without any outside observer being able to tell the difference. This is a larger black hole made out of an aggregate of smaller entangled black holes. If all of space-time was filled with “chaotic” virtual micro black holes, then this is just a specific geometric configuration.

You might be able to take this to another level by imagining additional outer shells surrounding inner shells. The outer shell might have wormholes stopping just before the inner surface, making some volume thickness become null space go to zero thickness.

It might be the case that all of space-time is constructed out various recursive geometrical configurations of entangled pairs, giving rise to the distinction between virtual-mass-energy and rest-mass-energy.

See: related lecture

This idea can also be used to solve the double slit experiment.

