Apparent light cones with no singularity

Jonathan Langdale
Zero Hour


To start, you must first be familiar with black holes, the holographic principle, and the accelerating universe. You then treat the accelerating universe as a black hole. By this we mean that there is a distance whereby the accelerating universe expands faster than light can travel. This forms a causal bubble, an observable universe within a larger universe.

It has typically been the case that one would say that this observable universe becomes disconnected with the rest of the actual universe. Traditionally, one would think this is a two-way disconnection. That neither light can escape, nor can it enter, the observable universe bubble. This is a classical relationship based on the conclusions implied by General Relativity.

Yet, we know that reality is fundamentally quantum mechanical (or is an approximation of deeper mechanics), from which gravity or General Relativity may be entropically emergent, across a variety of distance scales. We get tripped up when we fail to distinguish between what we can observe to be physical and what we know must be limited to a virtual (unobservable) existence. These laws of “physics” then lose some meaning. You then have laws for the physical aspects and laws for the virtual aspects.

Now let us reference the idea of a state of physical matter whereby emergent gravitational potential energies cause a collapse towards what we would call a black hole configuration. When we do this, we give rise to the issues of apparent event horizons, information paradox, holographic transformations of information, evaporation, firewalls, and even the notion that black holes may never totally form.

We take it to be true that a collapsing state of physical matter must some how preserve information because it can never destroyed (-1st Law). By information, we mean observable physical information, not virtual information. Either a black hole is never totally formed, and/or you must preserve information through the holographic principle.

If you conclude that a black hole does actually form, then by way of the holographic principle, it must be the case that a description of all in-falling physical information, displaced over the lifetime of the singularity, is contained on a 2-dimensional surface at a fluctuating (radius) event horizon. As evaporation occurs, when the radius decreases, this preserved information is then released.

Now return to the observable universe. As the expanding universe accelerates, a similar causal situation emerges. The longer you wait, the more observable information falls outside your potential. There will be more and more information that becomes “lost” to you. It is as if there are growing black holes surrounding you, eating more physical information. Another way to think of this would be to draw a radius and call that an observable event horizon. This radius would then reduce with time, growing smaller and smaller.

The question then naturally arises as to whether there is a strong correlation between the holographic preservation of information as a formed black hole evaporates, and a shrinking observable universe. Is there is a fundamental difference between the curvature of space-time around a supposed black hole and the curvature induced by accelerating dark energy? For this correlation to exist, there would have to be an analogous form of Hawking radiation in the case of the accelerating universe. That is to say that the information contained within an observable universe would need to be, in some way, described on the surface area of a 2-sphere at all boundaries of every potential center (every location of space-time has it’s own observable universe) of every light cone.

However, we have assumed that a black hole does actually form, such that it would only evaporate after formation (overlooking the flux during collapse). There is another scenario where a singularity may never actually form. This is the notion of long duration collapse giving rise an apparent event horizon (Hawking & Mersini-Houghton). In this scenario, the time dilation and flux of Hawking radiation as a collapse occurs causes the forming black hole to inevitably evaporate during collapse (not after), resulting in a “bounce.” To an outside observer, the time dilation of special relativity gives them the impression that a black hole exists. They observe that it has an apparent event horizon (they observe a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy). Meanwhile, from the point of view of the black hole, it could be the case that it has yet to fully form a true singularity & event horizon. If true, the observer’s event horizon is only an “apparent” one because they have not waited to observe the total lifetime of the apparent black hole’s observable universe to see a resulting bounce.

If we then take this apparent view to be true and apply it to the accelerating dark energy analogy, a rough correlation would then imply that outward falling information might not be forever “lost” in a quantum mechanical sense.


