PlayTap: Mobile Game News 1/14/16

Signal Zero
Zero In.
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2016

by Signal Zero Team

Gregory Schmidt and the New York Times focused on the hardware aspect of mobile games in a recent article. One item they feature prominently is the Skylanders SuperChargers Starter Pack. Why is this interesting? Because game publisher Activision is banking on more than users’ desire to enjoy a triple-A gaming experience on a mobile device; the Starter Pack also comes with three plastic toys that “come to life” in the game via a Bluetooth connection. (They’re expecting consumers to bank on it too; the retail price for this kit and kaboodle is $75.)

Skylanders Superchargers Starter Pack

Also included is a wireless controller, but the game works seamlessly with touch-screen controls or an Apple TV remote. Skylanders features an adventure story line, as well as a racing mode in which players can test their driving skills online against their friends. For continuity across Apple devices, players can save their game with iCloud and pick it up on another Apple device. [NYTimes]

China’s mobile games industry is expected to see unprecedented growth (there are more than 366 million mobile gamers right now!) in the coming years. A new report from the China Game Industry Annual Conference shows that the revenue generated by mobile gaming reached $7.94 billion in 2015. This represents an 87.2% year on year increase.


  • Chinese consumers are showing more interest in mobile gaming because it represents a convenient form of entertainment.
  • Chinese consumers are demonstrably willing to pay significant amounts of money for the games that they play.

Just four years ago, China’s mobile gaming market was struggling to take off. but has seen a sixteen-fold increase over that period. In China, mobile games have revolutionized the overall game industry, putting developers under significant pressure to become more mobile-centric because their broader range of user demographics is people “on the go,” from commuters to young people who are never without their mobile devices.

This puts the pressure on developers! Do we invent our own original IP in hopes it sticks, or do we attempt to obtain rights to existing intellectual properties? [QR Code Press]

