How to Stop Being an Ungrateful Loser

Mike Fishbein
4 min readFeb 20, 2017

I just spent the past hour reading Techcrunch and now I’m depressed. There are so many people raising money from venture capitalists, selling their companies and otherwise “crushin’ it” that I can’t help but feel inadequate.

We have access to more information than ever before. But our attention spans haven’t kept pace. We can still only comprehend so much information.

We have access to all the best stories, but only a few stories can capture our attention. Why read a story about a small business owner when you can get the thrill of reading about a billionaire tech entrepreneur? Why read about a free mobile app that’s helping people eat healthier foods when you can get enraged reading about some politician clawing back some innocent person’s health insurance?

The information we receive is at the extremes of the bell curve, but the vast majority of life is in the middle.

Yet, as humans, we all want to feel special. Our goal setting culture tells us not to accept mediocrity. We seek out exceptionalism in part to feel unique. This can display itself in acts such as…

  • Buying a new watch

