If working less is so productive, why is it so hard?

Mike Fishbein
7 min readAug 18, 2017

I was sitting on the beach with my girlfriend, trying to relax on our vacation in Florida, yet I was racked with anxiety. We were laying under a large umbrella, taking in the beautiful waves and swaying palm trees, attempting to recover from the past months (and years) of hard work and stress. But all I could think about was a marketing initiative I was working on for a client. The more I tried to chill, the more nervous I became. My girlfriend laid peacefully, dozing off occasionally, while I was busy fending off a full blown panic attack.

Did I hurry back from our beach session to get back to work? That would be crazy, right? Well, it was worse. I pulled out my laptop and went to work right there on the beach. I was so addicted to my computer and so stretched thin with commitments that I couldn’t even enjoy this highly anticipated vacation with the love of my life. In fact, the only thing I can remember when I look back on this trip is my stress. I don’t remember enjoying the beach or ever feeling present.

When, I got back from Florida, I didn’t feel refreshed at all. I more desperately need a vacation after it than I did before it. Not only had my overcommitment to work prevented me from enjoying my vacation, it lead me to operating at below my best for many months following.

